A Review of an Atheist Website

debunking-christianity.com is the website. I recommend that all Christians take a walk on the wild side and take a look-see. Why Christian Western Civilization has collapsed becomes evident in a matter of moments.

The site’s host is John H. Loftus, who boasts authorship of at least 17 books and a squad of maybe 5 or 6 rabid sycophant commenters, so engage in conversation at your own risk.

Loftus website is valuable because it displays laboratory grade pure atheists and their bold, undiluted, communication style which includes the following.

  1. Atheists never explain atheism. Instead, they attack Christianity or the Christian with determined, unrelenting focus. The website name, debunking-Christianity, attests to this fact as does every atheist commenter on the site.
  2. Atheist rhetoric is based on a list of talking points used by all atheists. Talking points relieve the atheist of the need to think for himself.
  3. When confronted with reasoning or facts outside their talking point box, the atheist may attempt to change the subject back to an atheist talking point.
  4. Atheists attack the credibility of sources like the Bible, for example. Here is link to a post on debunking-Christianity whose thesis attacks the credibility of the New Testament.
  5. Atheists love to derail conversations with trivia and technicality, disputes over the definition of words, a thicket of statistics.
  6. Atheists are Marxists, so their version of history is one rewritten and tailored to make atheism and Marxism work out for them. A person who recites authentic history will invariably be called a liar.
  7. Atheists cite science but are science illiterate.
  8. If all else fails, the atheist will resort to severe verbal abuse and blasphemy. debunking-atheism.com host, John Loftus even resorts to censorship and editing of comments if a Christian’s argument proves effective. Truth is not an atheist value.

I write these posts on atheism because the Christian response to modernity and the atheism that came with it, has been close to nonexistent or shamefully ineffective. As a result, atheist Marxists own every major institution in what was once Christian Western Civilization.

10 responses to “A Review of an Atheist Website”

  1. The struggle to inspire faith is not a fight against atheism. That just wastes time and energy. Focus.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Doug, Great comment. My response is that in the world of words, which is where we live as citizens of a self-governing republic, there exists conflict between ideas.

      Through dialogue and practice, we can discover which ideas work and which do not, which ideas lead to justice and which do not.


      1. As that character once lamented, “T’is a consumation devoutly to be wished.”


        1. To add, my perception is that the conflict rests not with words expressing ideas as much as those who have thought no one was listening are now expressing an ideology.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. anantadayajpsgmailcom Avatar

    Atheist ideas is not scientific and logical whereas theist ideas are scientific and logical and even if atheist says it is just an idea such ideas is even followed by constitution law. For example stealing is considered as sin according to religious scriptures. similarly state law classifies stealing as an cognizable offence followed by punishment. So, it is only religion says what is right and what is wrong in a human society and not atheism and its ideology.


    1. Isn’t the whole point that whether it’s man’s law or spiritual commandment… it’s still a sin and thus punishable in some way? Why is debate even necessary?


  3. anantadayajpsgmailcom Avatar

    You didn’t understand my point. Man has no intelligence to discriminate right from wrong. Suppose if a child grabs toys from other child which is more beautiful than his toys and that child starts to cry. How this child knows that this act of grabbing is wrong?. Unless his mother chastise the child and tells him that his act is wrong he will never know and he thinks that he is right.


  4. anantadayajpsgmailcom Avatar

    Som, moreover atheist logic is frenzy. They believe that this beautiful earth with all its glories of life and universe came from nothing. Something came from nothing which is told by Richard dawkin. When he was asked how it is possible. He said nothing is something primitive much much simpler which is hard to define.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Silence of Mind,

    Do you think you are in your head too much? If so, have you ever wondered if it is your ego talking back?

    Also, you talk about discussing ideas with others but in fact you revel and lust for the platform to push disdain for people who do not worship like you, calling them Marxist, which is equivalent to Communists. (Clearly this was the punchline)

    This is confusing because I thought you were arguing against atheists. I think that for a Christian, you sure have a lot of issues with other people’s free will.

    Or maybe you have nothing better to do. Or maybe you are just lonely, and the reason for your loneliness could potentially lie in how you use a coverted condescending tone and at the same time hold yourself and your opinions to be of grandious value.

    This classic lack of humbleness, along with summarizing my previous observations, debunks you, in my opinion.


  6. anantadayajpsgmailcom Avatar

    Mr.anonymous Who is Karl marx is he theist?. Marxism or communism or any ism which throws God is atheism. Theist speaks about logic and science whereas atheist never discuss logic and science all they can do is personally attack those who speak the facts.


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