Why Modern Science Heralds the Death of Atheism and the Rise of Christianity

Regardless of one’s own worldview, the election of political outsider Donald Trump as President of the United States clearly signaled the roaring back to life of Christianity in Western Civilization.

For it was the common Christian, downtrodden after a nearly 30 year horror show of the Bill Clinton,  George W. Bush and Barack Obama regimes who quietly and lawfully voted to pull the plug on the whole blasted mess.

Because of the nature of Christianity, it is easy to predict a  roaring back to life of economic opportunity and prosperity, traditional moral values, and a bountiful cornucopia of technological development and scientific discovery and the death of atheism (the sand in the gears of all human well being).

For the modern Christian worldview, born of the 18th century Enlightenment, holds that the world and all that is in it, is subject to “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God(1).”

Such a worldview provides a most fertile environment for not only healthy moral values and just politics, but also for technological and scientific development. This is because science and technology are themselves, the study and implementation of natural laws.

A case in point is a new technology brought about by the science of molecular biology. This new technology will most definitely change civilization as fundamentally as did the developments of electricity and internal combustion.

It will put powers of design and creation, once thought the sole domain of God, into the hands of high school students.

What is this most powerful and wondrous technology?

Meet CRISPR-CAS9, a gene editing technology taken from a lowly bacteria called  Francisella novicida bacteria(2):


Simply, with the CRISPR-CAS9 technology (3):

  1.  All genetic diseases could be eliminated.
  2. Endless varieties and quantities of plant and animal food could be designed and created.
  3. Most industrial pollution could be eliminated.
  4. Most manufacturing could be switched from polluting and high resource-consuming traditional industrial chemical methods to molecular biological methods.
  5. Death from aging could be eliminated.

So where does the Christian worldview fit into this new technology?

The answer is obvious.

If the fires of creation could be put into the hands of high school students the possibility of unleashing total disaster upon all of mankind would be imminent.

Clearly, effective moral ethics must be applied to CRISPR-CAS9 technology before it is unleashed from research laboratories into civilization at large.

The Great Genocide of the Unborn (the abortion industry) and the subsequent harvesting and selling of butchered baby body parts is but one example of the catastrophic failure of atheist ethics.

Other catastrophic failures of atheist ethics include Marxist economics and Marxist political systems.  Atheist ethics fails because it takes everything wrong with any social system (economic or political), puts them on steroids and then gives ruthless people with those amped up faults total power over everyone and everything.

Global warming and ObamaCare are two examples of atheist ethics leading to catastrophic social failure since both provide platforms based on hoaxes that give total power to a ruthless, ruling elite.

Heaven won’t come to all of mankind until Jesus comes again.

But getting rid of atheism and reestablishing a dominant Christian culture in the West would surely usher in a far better world for us all.

Work cited:

  1. The Declaration of Independence
  2. CRISPR, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRISPR
  3. CRISPR’s Most Exciting Uses Have Nothing to Do With Gene Editing, http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/01/the-most-exciting-uses-of-gene-editing-technology-involve-no-editing/422619/


45 responses to “Why Modern Science Heralds the Death of Atheism and the Rise of Christianity”

  1. Interesting post! I hope we implement these new technologies with a Christian perspective. Otherwise, it is going to be an ugly world.

    Let’s back up a bit. I think the basic issue here has to do with the purpose of Christianity. Because I mix my politics with religion, there is one temptation I must always strive to avoid. I must never forget Jesus did not start Christianity to save our political system. He died and rose from the dead to save our souls. Hence, when we see our political system becoming more corrupt, that is merely an indication we are flagging in our efforts to share the Gospel. Christianity has political implications, but unlike Islam, Christianity is not a political system.

    Do Christian beliefs work better than Atheistic beliefs? Of course they do, but our real opponent is our sinful nature, not Atheism. We can only overcome sin by sharing the Gospel, and that is not a political problem. Since we primarily share the Gospel at a personal level, it is not even a technical problem.

    What does the election of Donald Trump mean for Christianity? I think it just means we have a president who is not hostile to our beliefs. So we will find it easier to share our beliefs publicly, and we will probably have more success implementing school choice programs. What Trump offers is the opportunity for us to share the Gospel with renewed vigor.

    With luck and hard work, we may experience a revival, but that is largely up to our Maker.

    Anyway, I think the best thing to come away with from your post is the frightful possibilities these new technologies have for abuse, that only by turning to Jesus can we be saved from horrors of our own invention. And yes, those new technologies will eventually be in the hands of high school students.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Citizen,

      Justice is at the root of any humane society.

      And it is up to us to design our own just societies.

      God wouldn’t have spent so much time teaching us and Jesus wouldn’t have died for us if in the end, he was going to do it all, all by himself.

      The American Republic is an example of a just society designed and built by mortal men using “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Real World Realist Avatar
    Real World Realist

    I’m a devout Christian, minister, missionary, I agree with almost everything you said, and this will seem ironic coming from me, but I don’t thinks it fair to say Atheists views are bad, which in turn says they are bad, you don’t have to be Christian to be a good person, have good morals, respect, etc. Those are choices each individual makes, regardless of religion, or the lack thereof, I agree most Atheists have a reputation of being argumentative buttheads lol but you can’t flush them down the toilet, because they believe differently, we have to bring me them closers, not push them away, although it’s difficult at times, now, the great thing about Christianity, is freedom of choice, you don’t have to do anything, no one makes you do anything, your choice, but.. religions like Islam, teach hate, promote death, and punish decisions outside of their belief, and largely in America, and everywhere else, that’s currently what’s holding the world and America back from success, I do understand the correlation of Atheists and Science, but my own personal opinion, I don’t think Science necessarily aligns itself as being Atheists.. but rather Nil, the belief in nothing, Atheists just believe the opposite, or live life believing we believe incorrectly lol great article though, I subscribe for a reason! God Bless You
    The Real World

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Real,

      See the comment by John Zande below.

      That’s what atheism does to a human being.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. John,

      You demonstrate not only a failure to communicate but a major malfunction in your potty training.

      Go get yourself hosed down then have Mommy outfit you with a new set of diapers.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. You’re upset I’m quoting, directly, your “Christian” president?


        Liked by 2 people

        1. John,

          Christians are Christians because they are sinners, not holy men like you.

          THE Donald is one of us (a sinner) and we love him.

          Liked by 4 people

      2. @ silenceofmind

        jz is being more pathetic than when I banned him from my blog, but I suppose he is just trying to imitate your humor. It is not working.

        Decades ago I read Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert Heinlein. In that book he made an observation about humor I have never forgotten. Every joke has a butt of the joke, someone we laugh at.

        At first I thought that meant humor had to be mean-spirited, but that is not true. Ridicule really is not funny. Ridicule may cause the cruel to laugh, but it is not funny. Even the best satire, which is really just ridicule, is intend to shame some and “educate” others. Laughter is a secondary goal.

        So what is a funny joke. That is a joke that allows us to share our sorrows — our humanity — with each other.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Citizen,

          I possess what is called, “a gallows sense of humor.”

          And I think one effective way of handling the lunatic left is to aim their ridicule right back in their face.

          In the case of my “conversation” with good John Zande, it is not humor really, but a propaganda war, which is deadly serious.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Don’t take John Zande too seriously. He is an unruly neighbor, but he is not our problem. His problem is with God.

            Image a mouse in its death throes raising a “fist” in defiance against the man who did not want that mouse in his house. The man would not even take notice. Yet God takes notice of us, even Zande, and compared to God we are far less than a mouse.

            In His own time and His own way, our Lord will take care of Zande, and He will do so with far more grace and truth than we can manage.

            Do we have a role? Yes, but it is a joyful one.


  3. @Som

    Among the many excellent observations of this post, just want to highlight this one:

    –Other catastrophic failures of atheist ethics include Marxist economics and Marxist political systems.–

    Catastrophic failures is being polite at that. Ha. This post must have hit a nerve in certain quarters, to be so visited with the irrelevant and obviously irrational quote by the great zandini, that masterful sleight of hand artist, who brings his own version of catastrophy..

    Not to further steer your post off the cliff, but even the current president has never called Mr Trump ‘Mr. President.’ On the merits of Trump being not the president YET……………….. the meme is obviously a bold faced lie. I have said repeatedly, PRESIDENT Trump…………. has not uttered one word. Is this parsing of words? No, it is a statement of sanity.

    But this fact, like most facts, escape the mind of the ‘hallucinating,’ pretending to converse on a topic in which their tongue is stuck. The life and times of truth as presented in scripture, revealed by God by people with His image, hardly needs defended.

    The science which you present always, as you know, point to the Designer of all. Good stuff.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The book of Genesis was written a long, long time ago, by people far, far way…

      …and modern science has proven what God said about us being created in his image.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Yhwh has the remnants of a tail in the coxis?

        Liked by 2 people

        1. John,

          And did you know that human life is based on the DNA molecule just like the amoeba?

          Say hello to MOMMA!

          Liked by 2 people

          1. And that’s her good side 😉

            Liked by 3 people

        2. Hey zande.

          How does a common bird sit for hours in unmatched balance upon a wire………….and no, only the brain dead thinks he ‘learned’ how to do it through trial and error, and bazillions of years of practice which you would love to imagine. Oh the genius of the Creator.

          Now apologize for lying about PRESIDENT Trump.

          STOP LYING. HE IS NOT THE PRESIDENT, SO YOU ARE FALSIFYING DOCUMENTS. APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR PETULANT ANTICS. For once, face honesty. If you cannot admit to something so simple………..you cannot be trusted with anything.

          Maybe you are not aware, but President Obama is the current president.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. President Trump on wanting to f#ck his daughter

            Liked by 1 person

        3. John,

          No need to get nasty.

          Going from slut shaming to incest shaming has crossed over into psychosis territory.

          Take a chill pill before you hurt yourself.

          In the mean time, I’ll crank up THE Twilight Zone music.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Impervious to it here, my good friend. Gorgeous day and I’m heading to the beach.

            Brazil + Beach = Glorious!

            Liked by 3 people

        4. John,

          Now you’re just being mean.

          For us here in North America, global warming has set in.

          We’re all about to freeze to death.

          Liked by 2 people

    2. (Christian) President Trump on women


      1. John,

        Slut shaming THE Donald makes you look like an idiot.

        I don’t think you folks realize how nutty you are.

        Here in the States, your kind (the crazies) have been sent packing.

        THANK GOD!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Real World Realist Avatar
          Real World Realist

          Lol, I did say they were argumentative buttheads… lol proving my point, but this has gotten completely out of control, it takes an intelligent person to be Christian, because there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t make sense to the normal person, but after you study, anything.. you become more intelligent on that subject, when you aren’t smart on any topic, and refuse to learn, but refuse to be wrong.. you have no other options than to be mean, and grab for any straws you can to stay afloat.. i.e. these pictures. @Silence, I wasn’t berating you, or talking down to you, I hope you don’t think that, I was simply trying to offer an olive branch to our protesters, which a many Atheists have crossed over to the “right side of the gulf” , the best combatant to hate is love.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Real,

          I am very glad when you drop by to comment.

          You, Colorstorm, Citizen Tom and a few others possess a maturity and steadiness of heart, mind and soul that is far beyond my own.

          And wouldn’t you know that since Christianity requires that each person become the one God designed and created, and because each and everyone of use is thus unique, it is totally natural that Christians see things from all sorts of different angles.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Real World Realist Avatar
    Real World Realist

    Thank you for your kind words, I’m actually surprised I’m liked, given in today’s standards I’m classified as a racist, bigot, homophobe, terrorist, extremist, because I simply don’t follow the narrative given in society, so thank you, you are one of few

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Real,

      I would like to welcome you to the club, but I think you are one of the ring leaders.

      So how about you welcome me?


  5. @ Real World Realist

    it takes an intelligent person to be Christian, because there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t make sense to the normal person,

    One has to be intelligent to believe in Hell and its make-believe counterpart, Heaven?
    One has to be intelligent to indoctrinate this nonsense into children?

    One has to be intelligent to accept a global flood, an Exodus of 2 million slaves, a dead man coming back to life?

    You seriously believe that one has to be intelligent to accept this as fact ?


    What a silly person you are.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey ark

      Intelligence demands knowing that the engineering feats of a spider and its web were not discussed at the Spiders convention.

      Intelligence demands that the design of the stars above, and their ability to remain in perpetuity, was not/ is not a result of a serendipitous accident.

      Intelligence demands knowing that the Tigris and Euphrates were dubbed long before there was an alphabet.

      Intelligence demands knowing that the elephant is universally recognized, thanks to the copy and naming rights of man created in the image of God.

      Intelligence demands knowing that the camera proves that all men live by faith. Only a fool would go into the darkroom to process an image that they cannot see and one that does not exist…………… Faith in what, now there is your dilemma.

      Intelligence demands knowing that a bazillion years of evolutionary thought will NEVER rid the mind of the inbred knowledge that yep, there is a God. One God. One Lord.

      And oh, by the way, you may want to consider the gold under the earth, thanks be to God.

      Intelligence demands knowing that atheism is a waste of valuable brain bytes.


      1. And oh, by the way, you may want to consider the gold under the earth, thanks be to God.

        Sure! Will do. And what is the name of this god, Colourstorm?


        1. I don’t know the name of this ‘god’ you inquire of, since I have repeated that collectively all of them can’t spell ‘cat,’ throw a ball, or tie their shoes.

          But the names of God are many; depends on the relationship as I have said before. ‘Emmanuel’ rings true, the ‘Mighty God rings clear as a bell,’ ‘El Elyon as Most High is one of many; ‘El Shaddai’ as the God of the breast is fine; ‘I am that I am’ is a perennial favorite, as most of His names relate to Israel, but for starters, I suggest you get a grip on God as Creator, as His ‘names’ will be irrelevant to you otherwise.


          1. So the god you genuflect to is not Yahweh, then?


            1. I don’t genuflect to any ‘god.’ But I’m pretty certain any further discussion on your ‘off road’ trip here, will not be appreciated by the host.

              But I’ll repeat one last time: if you do not give God the courtesy of existing, you are at a complete loss as to understanding His names.

              It would be like trying to explain the color blue to a blind man who is also deaf and dumb. Tis a fact.


            2. Without verifiable evidence, I can no more afford existence to your god, the genocidal monster, Yahweh, than I can Quetzalcoatl.

              It has always baffled my why so-called intelligent, moral, and empathetic Christians worship such a monstrous deity in the first place?

              Can you explain why you worship this deity without citing Divine Command Theory?


        2. Ark,

          You’ve obviously never studied university physics.

          And there is verifiable evidence proving the existence of God out the wazzoo.


          1. Really? Then please offer some evidence for your god. So far the only evidence you have offered for your god seems to have sprung directly out of your ”wazzoo”

            Liked by 1 person

        3. Ark,

          To understand scientific evidence, you have to understand science.

          Since you are a big FAIL-zilla with regard to knowing the first thing about science, trying to give you scientific evidence of God’s existence would be like reciting Shakespeare to a chimpanzee…

          …or like a chimpanzee trying to tap out the works of Shakespeare on a keyboard.

          All are the sound of one hand clapping.


          1. Well then at least enlighten me as to the name of your god, please. Or the name you refer to it.


            1. Ark,

              God doesn’t need a name in order to exist.

              Just call Him, A-Z if it makes you feel any better.


            2. Fine, but what is the name he is referred to by you: not his title, his name.


            3. Ark,

              I refer to God as “Your Majesty,” or “Lord” or “Lord God,” when I am praying to Him.

              In secular conversations, “God” serves well.


            4. Again, still titles.
              Let me be specific.
              Do you consider the name of your god to be Yeshua and/or Yahweh?


        4. Ark,

          Yeshua and Yahweh are Jewish names.

          I am Catholic.

          We call the Son of God by name, Jesus.

          The Father is Father.

          But in secular discussions God is referred to as God or the Creator.


          1. So Yeshua ( Jesus) is not, in fact, your god, but simply the son of the Hebrew creator god, Yahweh (YHWH).
            Do I understand you correctly?

            Liked by 1 person

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