More Global Warming for North America

North America will feel the effects of another bout of global warming this week.


The means a good two thirds of North America will go into a winter freeze courtesy of cold arctic air heading south like geese in spring.

We really do need to get this global warming thing under control before we all freeze to death.


53 responses to “More Global Warming for North America”

  1. Climate “science”: A solution with no known problem.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You’re an idiot. But you guys think you’re the smarter than all the climate scientists combined… you know, the people who work with actual data. You think you’re smarter than all those actuarial folk in the world who make their living with insurance companies, smarter than those who direct the $600,000,000,000 reinsurerance companies. You think you’re smarter than all those who work for every major scientific organization in the world.

    Yup, SoM’s ego – and the other idiots who go along with his bottomless ignorance – is so small that he thinks he’s being humble presenting himself and his idiocy – it’s cold out so global warming is a hoax – as smarter, better informed, and far more knowledgeable with keen insight into the conspiracy angle than every one of them.

    Good grief, but your level of idiocy knows no bounds.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tildeb,

      North America is going into deep freeze.

      That is empirical evidence that your “climate scientists” are being well paid for their services.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And who is paying these tens of thousands of climate scientists to all say the same thing, you idiot?

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Tildeb,

          President Obama paid Michael Mann of Penn State University, the lead climate scientist hoaxer, $4,000,000,000.

          Yes, that $4 BILLION.

          It was part of President Obama’s first economic stimulus.

          You see, like ObamaCare and global warming, President Obama’s economic stimulus was also a hoax.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. They are not exactly all saying the same thing. The news media is fairly uniform in its reporting, however.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Funny, that uniformity. It’s almost like it accurately reflects the scientific consensus. How very Left wing of them.


            1. It is as you say. Very left wing.


            2. Yes, reality does seem to have a Left wing bent… according to the average and dedicated Faux News viewer.


            3. tildeb, there is a distinct difference between suppressing the views of others and suppressing reality. Let me know when you can do something about the frigid weather and snow. I could use a little global warming right now.

              Liked by 2 people

  3. Climate does not = weather.

    Just thought you should know that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And earthquakes zande are not caused by a thousand cheerleaders standing in one spot. Oh wait, your ‘climate’ cause earthquakes……………

      Really now? Hmmm. I suppose that explains perfectly HOW and WHY the earth first opened up…………thousands of years before plastic and the combustion engine were invented.

      Godlessness and evolution ate twin idiots who never had an original thought of their own.

      (and by the way, as a bonus, the first quake was during the life and times of Moses)


        1. Hey zande

          I hope SoM has the sense to send your garbage to the outer limits, never to be seen on his blog again. Of course you do know you could not get away with it at my place.

          Congratulations for proving my point perfectly. Godlessness and evolution are evil bastard twins.

          Liked by 2 people

        2. Storm,

          I think John is blaming THE Donald for his own…


          Liked by 2 people

    2. John,

      Global warming means that the weather should get warmer, no?

      Than why is it so damned cold around here?


      1. Be prepared for some long winded answer asserting that because the ice caps ‘melt’ the cold is distributed elsewhere………….

        Meanwhile, God as usual, is light years ahead. He determined that as long as the earth remains, there will be cold and heat. Yep, 80 below zero, and 110 degrees in the shade in some places. 😉

        But what cracks me up silence……… the fact that many PhD’s cannot get right a three day forecast, yet boast of ‘patterns’ to prove their absurdities. ‘Strange’ is far too kind.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Storm,

          Will it be a cold wind blowing or just more hot air?


          1. Yep. lol

            Liked by 1 person

      2. No, you idiot. That’s not what it means. At all.


        1. Tildeb,

          If global warming doesn’t mean that the weather will get warmer, what does it mean?


  4. Can anyone explain why John Zande is posting his Donald Trump quotes into conversations about global warming? Does he think Trump controls the weather?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. John,

      Zande is America’s lab rat example of leftists gone wild.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. He’s posted exactly the same memes on my blog. A lab rat would eventually learn from repeated failures, right?

        He’s earned the moniker “Windbag” for his relentless, substance-free noise. The upside is that he motivated me to find this gif as a standard reply to his comments and it always makes me smile.


        1. Yeah, John B, it’s always all about you smiling. No surprise there.

          Your idiocy doesn’t make me smile; because it’s unnecessary and a result of your failure to respect reality, it makes me sad. What a waste of human potential you are.


          1. Dear Leader!!

            I’m failing to respect reality because you’re no longer guiding me! You’re the only perfect source of truth and you are no longer shining your light on my path. You are solely responsible for my failures.


            1. Like most reality deniers, there you go shifting responsibility for your idiocy again. Yup, your idiocy is always someone else’s fault. Right.


            2. Do you think SOM has more respect for reality than I do? If so, why?


  5. Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) means “An increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, especially a sustained increase sufficient to cause climatic change.”

    Climate change resulting from AGW means an historically rapid change in climate PATTERNS. It does not mean warmer weather. In fact, AGW climate change is predicted and best demonstrated by greater fluctuations in the rates and frequencies of precipitation. That means we should find a rapid accumulation of data concerning historically different amounts of precipitation patterns over time. This means greater climate pattern fluctuations. This means dry becomes drier, wet becomes wetter, warm becomes warmer and cold becomes colder. It means we should find record flooding where it floods, record drought where it is expected to be undergo periodic drought, and this is what the reinsurers – the transnational corporations that guarantee funding for insurance companies – are finding… to the point where they will not insure the insurers who offer, say, flood insurance to those who live in areas susceptible to what was once lower level risk of flooding! AGW causes a rise in the risk. This is exactly what we find happening globally. Miami is a perfect example, where only government intervention and public guarantee allows insurance to be had. Reinsurers won’t touch it because the risk is simply too high. That is also the case all along the East coast where rising sea levels are altering ocean front property… especially all along Chesapeake Bay. The fact you know nothing about this – where you try to vilify government for causing an increase of risk when in fact government is helping hide the real risk and mitigate its cost by spreading it out to the entire population through public subsidy – indicates a significant lack of insight on your part into what we’re talking about. You think it’s about warming weather and not about how and why all kinds of climate pattern risks are rapidly increasing and being demonstrated all around you all the time. You are extremely ignorant of these changes, such as a double digit increase in the length of the fire season, the recent and extreme stress on, say, the US national Park Service coping with significant climate pattern changes – froma loss of wetlands in the East to transplanting Sequoia stands to higher elevations in the West, from an 80% loss of glaciers in the north to salt water incursion in the South. These changes are not something you can wave away by pretending this is a political partisan issue. It’s realty. .

    None of this change is partisan. A storm surge will flood Democrats and Republicans alike. The ongoing climate change we are experiencing is not a political issue in the sense one side or another is causing this historically rapid change. Rapidly rising ocean acidification is a fact. And we know what is causing it: this is what happens to a carbon sink when the atmosphere undergoes a significant rise in carbon concentration. The atmosphere doesn’t care what you or I think about its CO2 concentration. But we are aware of what that increasing level means to climate patterns and we know what is driving this increase: human activity burning fossil fuels. This is measurable. Our carbon output exceeds the carbon sinks ability to absorb. Just that simple.

    You seem determined to deny this reality… in the name of partisan politics, which is so stupid it really is idiocy in action. Before one can begin to address a problem, one has to first recognize that a problem exists. You can’t even do this much in spite of overwhelming scientific evidence. That’s why you – and any other climate change denier – are best described and accurately depicted as a science denier… but only in this case. You’re perfectly willing to use science and all its products when it’s convenient to you but deny it when it’s inconvenient. That’s what makes you an idiot and a danger to the rest of humanity. You intransigence makes addressing real problems with real solutions just that much harder, which is accompanied by a very real cost in very real human suffering.

    Congratulations, SoM. Your politicized idiocy – and the idiocy of scientific deniers everywhere – has the very real effect of harming real people in real life and leaving a legacy that will continue to harm future generations. And your sanctimonious ignorance for doing this helps you to think you can avoid taking responsibility for your own self-imposed idiocy not because you’re a gullible fool easy to dupe but because you actually think you’re not. Well, think again.


    1. Tildeb,

      Global warming is an issue that has been completely politicized by leftist ruling bureaucracies all over the West.

      Another reason we all know global warming is a hoax is because the ruling global warming establishment wants to criminalize any dissent.

      That isn’t science, it is totalitarian oppression.

      There is nothing in your long rants that proves that man is the cause.

      Climate changes naturally, all the time.

      Earth has been in a warming period since the last Ice Age.


      1. SoM, climate pattern RATES and FREQUENCIES do not change this much this fast without a catastrophic planetary event. Ever. We have had no such event. The cause is known: emitting greenhouse gases.

        The rise in atmospheric carbon concentration causes warming beyond all natural occurring inputs and far in excess of the carbon sinks that regulate this natural cycle. That’s how we know beyond any reasonable doubt that human activity is the primary cause for this radical and recent change to climate patterns. And it will continue to get warmer for about 100 years even if we stopped burning all fossil fuels completely today (current estimates are about 3.5 degrees Celsius by 2100 if we fail to act now). The current rate will see an increase of about 4.5 degrees Celsius in about 125 years and a degree more in a decreasing logarithmic rate (sort of like compound interest). That’s enough to kill humans in a 20 minute exposure in places like Florida. Not that you care because you don’t understand what global warming is or what effects it has. It’s enough at the most conservative estimates to raise sea levels by about 24 meters. That’s enough to displace over a billion people and radically alter the geopolitical landscape. It’s enough to shift the temperate zones some 400 miles north in the northern hemisphere and south in the southern while expanding the desertification the same in both directions in each of the northern and southern hemispheres (more than four times the amount of desert expansion for every unit the temperate zone moves. That shift is into far less arable land and so there will be both a dramatic decrease in food production and an increase in water shortages as well as an increasing demand for energy to compensate. 4.5 C is enough to cause what is called a forcing in a ever increasing feedback loop where earth becomes hotter and hotter and there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it, creating the warming conditions necessary for releasing millions of gigatonnes of trapped carbon in the frozen soils of the polar regions and sea beds Venus is an excellent example of what the planet could look like in about 650 years if we pass the tipping point and forcings become unstoppable. Scientifically speaking not doing enough to reduce carbon emissions before a tipping point is reached is a planetary death knell. You think it’s a liberal plot. You’re an idiot.

        We have a time frame in which to act responsibly and eliminate human caused carbon emissions on a schedule that will be of economic benefit. Failure to do so is the cause of an extinction event for humanity. There is no middle ground because global warming doesn’t care about humanity and is absolutely indifferent to the problems and suffering a rapidly changing climate causes .That’s why every government in the world – including Left and Right liberal democracies, theocracies, monarchies, totalitarian and despotic regimes – have all signed on to reducing carbon use using various means (to 2.5 C by 2100). This is not a political issue of partisanship like you in your incredible ignorance and stupendous idiocy believes; it’s a survival issue for the species. Discomforting to me is that you and your science-denying ilk are a part of it and hell bent to doing your best to bring it about not from knowledge but from a refusal to admit the overwhelming scientific evidence has any merit. We’re running this global experiment exactly once and only once. If the science is wrong, we stand to gain renewable energy reliance. If the science is right and you succeed at impeding meaningful carbon reduction change the planet is doomed.


        1. Tildeb,

          It is a shame that you are so gullible.

          The rates and frequencies that you refer to are complete gibberish dreamed up by tyrants who need frightened people to give up their freedom.

          People back in the time of the Dust Bowl (the 1930’s) may have paid you some heed.

          But our present climate is robust and relatively stable (that is saying a lot for the weather).

          Hurricanes making land fall in the United States are at a historic, epic low.


  6. @tildeb

    You are showing your true colors of ignorant bias.

    You strut your ‘flood’ data, yet deny the greatest flood of all. Not too smart. And like your friend zandevuhl, you conveniently ignore the fact about earthquakes…………..having zero to do with your illusionary climate effect, existing long before engines, pollution, etc etc.

    And by the way, if Algore is on your side, your cause has long been lost.


    1. Sorry CS: because I do know geology and unlike you actually respect what reality shows me I know your little flood theory is bogus. Not only is there no compelling evidence for it, there is a complete lack of evidence where it should be. I know this doesn’t phase you because you don’t get your information about reality from reality but impose your archaic beliefs on it and then use a fictitious god to command others to believe as you do. You are a stellar example of how one can delude one’s self.


      1. Sure enough sir tildeb. And I suppose you can furnish proof it snowed a thousand years ago…………….and yet I know it did, having no need to see it. but of course you have no evidence…………….

        The trouble with your skepticism, you do not have reliable witnesses. God’s word is light years ahead of the creatures bitching.


        1. For something like a global flood, reality is as good a witness as it gets, CS… not that you care about it in the least. And this witness tells us in no uncertain terms that your claim has no substance. It is a fable you’ve fooled yourself into believing and then hide behind your god’s skirt pretending you’ve been commended to believe so. Not buying it for even a moment, CS. You’re the idiot for assuming your belief describes reality when reality tells us you’re fooling yourself.


          1. Tildeb

            You brought up floods, not me, I am merely highlighting your foolishness. Perhaps you have never had the delight of watching people swept away in an instant by a few inches of rising waters! Sarcasm of course.

            Don’t pretend to speak of something in the which you have no clue. Godlessness tildeb is so yesterdays news.


            1. Right. Knowing what constitutes geological evidence for flooding obviously has no part to play in accepting a global flood occurred. For that, you need religious expertise.


              There’s something wrong with you, CS. If your ability to think were like a bone, it would obviously be broken and you would be desperately in need of resetting before function could return.


            2. well tildeb, at least I know who created the bone……………


            3. Me too: they’re called parents.


            4. Yep, but you are too short sighted.

              Who cared for the first parents???????????

              Unless of course your ‘babies’ survived the coyotes……….

              You have no case tildeb, and God’s word is above all. Every time.


            5. And who created the first god?


            6. The fact taht you are asking tihs qeutoistn is fact egonuh that in sipet of apparent difficulties in understanding………… you KNOW the answer………..

              And it is God, as in before all things, and through whom all things consist.

              But since this is not about global warming, no sense in dusting up an issue that has long been settled.


            7. Why does acidification of ocean water matter and what does it have to do with causing climate change? How does this play into creating more forcings (feedback loops that further warm the planet)? Doesn’t the cooling effect in the Northern hemisphere from the slowing of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) mean global warming is really a hoax?

              This video (and a new study on how increased fresh water inputs – glacial melt, increased precipitation and outflow from continents – on AMOC in particular) helps explain why this matters, how it adds to our understanding of rapid climate change, how it is directly and causally linked to increased levels of atmospheric CO2.

              Don’t be fooled by the intro bit of the video that uses clips from The Day After Tomorrow; Mann addresses these Hollywood depictions and why they’re bogus. But it helps to understand how ocean currents are really important climate engines, in fact the thermodynamic engines for the establishment of climate patterns, and how causing changes to them by human activity dumping CO2 into the atmosphere really does bring about human caused climate change through the Greenhouse Effect.


  7. For those of us in North America, what’s important to understand is how the temperature gradient – the difference between polar air and warm and moist southern Gulf air – drives the Jet Stream. When this gradient is significant, the Jet Stream is like a young river traveling quickly from west to east across the continent in a fairly straight line. Areas north receive sub zero Celsius ‘winter’ and areas south plus zero moist Celsius Gulf air that prepare the fertile ground with regular and stable moisture for Spring planting. Weather comes and goes quickly.

    When the gradient is less, the Jet Stream slows and becomes like an old river – full of large bends that look like extensive loops Again, north of the line is cold, south is warm, and this pattern tracks – but much more slowly – from West to East. This has several effects where warm air travels much further north and cold air much further south depending which side of the bend one finds one’s self. In addition, this air stays in place for longer periods of time and can bring about extended periods of warmth rather than the usual sub zero in northern areas (thus allowing for the infestation of the pine beetle to survive what has historically been very cold winter conditions and lay waste to millions of hectares of forest creating an unprecedented fuel load for immense forest fires). This air can bring about massive accumulation of precipitation in the same spot – like Buffalo that received lake effect snow measuring meters rather than a few centimeters per day – and yearly quantities of rain in a few dozen hours – like flooding in the Carolinas and historic flooding in places like Calgary and Swift Current. Again, unprecedented. These loops bring about very cold air like the shifting of the Siberian polar vortex over the pole and deep into southern regions while the warm air drives temperatures over permafrost areas to 20 C for weeks on end… in the middle of winter! This melts permafrost which then releases or ‘burps’ huge quantities of methane (about 20 times more potent a greenhouse gas than CO2 alone).

    There is no question that this average temperature gradient over North America is lessening each and every year. There is no question the planet’s average temperature is warming. There is no question that the air over Greenland when it is above zero Celsius now often gets stuck (blocked) for weeks at a time causing a net loss of fresh melt water. One of the effects of this blocking air is to drive a weak hurricane like Sandy backwards – from east to west… back into the East Coast of the US to flood New York rather than out to sea where northern hurricanes go to die (not enough warm water to fuel it). But this is the cause of the AMOC slowdown. It is also responsible for slightly raising sea levels.

    My point is that altered weather patterns are caused by small changes to global temperatures. Altered patterns over time alters the climate of the regions over which this weather typically travels. In fact, it alters everything that matters to us – from viruses being able to survive to food production, from homes secure from being destroyed by weather events to maintaining power. Our entire infrastructure is built on having a relatively stable climate with typical and known variances of seasonal weather. That’s the problem… nothing about a warming planet remains stable and the variances become extreme. And that’s why this drastic change to the rate and frequencies of extreme events is so troubling; we don’t have time to prepare our infrastructure to cope. People die when we can’t cope, can’t plan, can’t bring timely help, can’t mitigate effects.

    But no amount of coping will address the root cause for continued change to climate: increasing our human caused CO2 to the atmosphere. This CO2 has an atmospheric life cycle and impact on climate so we need to stop adding to this cause as soon as possible to avoid the worst possible outcomes and effects produced by it many decades down the road.

    Denying all of this as if it were a fabrication of a political bent is actually beyond idiocy. It’s lunacy because it has to deny reality and all the mounting evidence we can adduce from it. That’s why every scientific organization in the world recognizes humans cause today’s unprecedented climate change by dumping accumulations of CO2 into the atmosphere that the planet cannot absorb for centuries. It’s like admitting that shutting off the water that is flooding our home is necessary if we want to live there. All the talk in the world about coping with rising levels of water in that home isn’t going to solve the problem. But denying the home is flooding while living in it and seeing the mounting evidence for the rising water is beyond idiocy. It’s a recipe for disaster for everyone else in the home when denying reality has the influence to impede the shitting off of the water. .


  8. Katherine Hayhoe is an evangelical and a climate scientist. She runs a weekly video series because evangelicals are one the major blocking groups to addressing effective climate change. In this video she talks about why evangelicals should be more and not less supportive.

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    1. Tildeb,

      Here is a great article from the UK Telegraph describing in gory detail the global warming scandal:

      Not mentioned in the article is how the scandal led to the shutdown of Al Gore’s carbon exchange scam.


      1. It’s not an article, SoM; it is commentary from someone trying to sell his denier book.

        Talk to climate scientists if you want to learn abut climate science and you’ll find why there is consensus… because the science across all related disciplines indicates its validity. That’s reality talking… and not the malicious innuendo of a climate change denier (Mann – often the target of these deniers – has been cleared of all wrong doing by no fewer than 8 scientific panels. Claiming otherwise is not science; it’s smearing… and for reasons other than finding out and respecting what’s true.)


        1. Tildeb,

          The truth is the truth no matter who says it.

          The content of the article has been broadcast by countless other sources over the last 10 years or so.

          Yes, the proof of the global warming scam is that old.

          Everything you have cited about “climate change” comes from computer models, not actual data.

          Garbage in = Garbage out

          There is on global warming.

          And change is what climate does naturally.

          As for Mann, he has been cleared by the very government and UN people who are perpetuating the hoax.


          1. You’re an idiot.


        2. Tildeb,

          Here is another article from the Daily Caller making note of Al Gore’s now debunked prediction that Earth would be in total melt down.

          That was over 10 years ago.

          You dummies need to wake up and smell the coffee.

          Everything the hoaxers say has been proven to be wrong.


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