The “Omnimalevalent God” – Or How the Atheist Ruthlessly Murders His Own Argument

All atheist notions are very easy to debunk using facts, common sense, and reasoning based on logic (rationality).

The absurd notion of the “Omnimalevolent God” trumpeted by atheist John Zande, WordPress Christendom’s, is no different.

First, he quotes influential Enlightenment Englishman and religious philosopher, William Paley in an effort to lend some sort of scholastic authority to his argument by pillaging it from William Paley:

“’Contrivance proves design,’ accurately observed William Paley, ‘and the predominant tendency of the contrivance indicates the disposition of the designer.’”

Zande then declares the universe, evil by design, and “reasons:”

Therefore God is “Omnimalevolent.”

Evil God

Notice that Zande tries to disguise using himself as the authority for his own argument by hiding behind the carcass of an Enlightenment Christian.

Since using one’s own self as the authority for one’s own argument is a logical fallacy, Zande brutally and bloodily murders his own argument in the unapologetic, genocidal style so characteristic of atheist ideologues.

40 responses to “The “Omnimalevalent God” – Or How the Atheist Ruthlessly Murders His Own Argument”

  1. Superb, SOM!

    There is a little bit more to the whole thesis, a few nondescript drops and splashes, but let’s not get bogged down in silly details 😉

    Have you read the book?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, John.

      As always, you are a gentleman and a scholar…
      …well, a scholar anyway.
      Alas, I have not read your book. Has it been well received?

      I hope so. Best wishes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Last I heard Professor Peter Millican (Oxford) is getting his philosophy of religion students to read it, and Stephen Law has been promoting it from week 1. I’m keen to see him quote it while debating his Evil God Challenge.

        You should read it. I’d love to hear your rebuttal.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I am not certain I see the point in drawing attention to a liar’s web site. The man has the same flaw as any exhibitionist. He craves attention. If he is not going to do something worthy of attention, what is the point of giving him any? Why punish yourself?

    If somebody takes Zande’s nonsense seriously, then I suppose we have to point out the logical flaws and the deceptions. However, I generally prefer to wait until that happens.

    Anyway, since I am here, I guess I may as well offer this observation. When Adam sinned, God cursed the earth for our sake (Genesis 3:17-19). Roman 8:18-22 makes it clear that God cursed all of Creation, not just the ground upon which we walk.

    Does this curse make God malevolent? No. It just means that when we sin God punishes us for being self-destructive disobedient. His curse allowed us to suffer the consequences of our words and deeds.

    Of course, that raises a question. How does Zande get something the Bible is so upfront about so wrong? The answer is that the man is willfully ignorant. He choose to know something that is not so.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Scripture has the ultimate answers CT as you know. There are no lasting answers outside of Genesis; nice work pointing it out.

      Indeed the whole creation groans, I’m pretty certain we do not know the full extent of ‘one mans disobedience,’ and as it were, if we were the first man, we would have done worse.

      Fortunately the Second man, the Last Adam, the Lord from above, answered our deepest need, and satisfied God’s ‘justice,’ once and for all.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Both Karl Marx and Charles Darwin were ostracized and treated poorly by their peers.

      Yet they both became the most influential men this side of Alexander the Great.

      Atheism is truly a contemptuous philosophy and its more eloquent advocates little more than common sophists, but atheism is now the predominant worldview on planet Earth and as such it must be addressed at every opportunity.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. @silenceofmind

        I will not condemn you for doing what you think right, and I could be wrong. 1-3 John speaks of apostates. The Apostle Paul certainly had no trouble addressing the nonsense of those trying to distort Christianity.

        Just to be difficult (can’t help myself
        ) I will observe that I think the comment about Karl Marx and Charles Darwin a bit overblown. I also think that Atheism is not the predominant worldview. I am afraid most Americans don’t give that much thought to God. Elsewhere in the world? I am not sure.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Your “difficulty” demonstrates quite clearly the intellectual diversity and fertility possessed by Christians.

          Compare that to the molecular uniformity of atheist thought.

          Liked by 3 people

    3. A curse? That’s interesting. So in effect, to explain this world in a way that best suits your juvenile emotional needs, you’re left having to defend an incompetent spirit who has lost total control of his Creation.

      That’s tremendously persuasive.


      1. Zande seeks to be controlled by an all powerful being. Slightly kinky, Zande, but to each his own.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. God lose control?
        Romans 8:28

        You portray yourself as an expert and you just now learned of that curse? If you had actually bothered to read Genesis, you would find it easy enough to see who chose wrongly, who lost control.

        Why did God choose to give us a free will? If you wanted to do so, you are smart enough to figure that out. As it is….. Omnimalevolent describes our own behavior, not God’s. To gain control of ourselves, to cease sinning, we must turn to Him.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Tell me, Tom… Has fire always burned flesh and water always drowned babies?


          1. So Jz,

            Will your complaints against the temperature being too hot while you mow your lawn, prevent the sun from arising tomorrow?

            When will you cease from making the sun hotter with your pocket Bic lighter?

            This is the nature of your questions. Wrong. Entirely wrong, having no context, and foolish to the nines. God is not on trial, MAN is. You can no more fault Him than find fault with a rainbow, complaining it is too wide, or not colorful enough, or does not last long enough.

            God is God, you are not. Your questions imply God is nefarious, while He ignores your petty innuendoes.

            Have a nice day anyway.

            Liked by 3 people

          2. What does the Bible say? You say you have read it. What does it say? Why do you have to ask me?

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Tom… Has fire always burned flesh and water always drowned babies?


            2. @John Zande

              The funny thing is that you actually seem to think you are saying something profound. Even after ColorStorm clearly explained your error, you posted that silly nonsense again.

              Matthew 10:28 New King James Version (NKJV)

              28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

              I suppose you will complain that I quoted that verse from the Bible to frighten you, but for the sake of brevity, I have quoted the verse out of context. To make the point that pain and death don’t matter as much as we tend to think, Jesus spoke these words to his apostles. Thus strengthened with such reassurances, they spread His Gospel, even at the cost all but one of their lives.

              Our existence is brief, but God offers us eternity. What do we have to do? We must love each other. That gift is free to all, except those too proud to accept it.

              Can you imagine spending eternity with someone who is haughty and proud? Do you think God will allow someone who is full of vitriol and spite into Heaven? If He did, heaven would not be heaven.

              God detests the proud. He seems consider pride the greatest sin. Why? You have heard of not being able to see the forest for the trees. There is a form of blindness that is far worse. That is the inability to see anyone but your self, to exclude even God from your vision.

              When we fixate upon our self, constantly stare at nothing except our own belly button, how can we perceive anything else, even God?

              John 9:39 The Message (MSG)

              39 Jesus then said, “I came into the world to bring everything into the clear light of day, making all the distinctions clear, so that those who have never seen will see, and those who have made a great pretense of seeing will be exposed as blind.”

              Liked by 2 people

            3. “To make the point that pain and death don’t matter as much as we tend to think”

              You really are thoroughly self-absorbed, aren’t you, Tom? That has nothing at all to do with why I asked you if fire has always burned flesh, and has water always drowned babies. I’m not talking about your little Problem of Evil and all the imaginative excuses theologians have proposed to explain a world that contradicts your pantomime. You pointed to Genesis as the reason why this world is saturated with suffering. By doing so you are stating that before the ‘fall’ (instigated, mind you, by an angel who had already ‘fallen,’ so the story is contradictory in the first instance) there was no pain, no suffering.

              So, I am thus assuming you are suggesting that at one time (5,000 years ago, yes?) fire did not burn flesh, and water did not drown babies.

              This is an interesting claim, and something you must surely have supporting evidence for. So, Tom, could you present this evidence for fire that did not burn, and water that did not drown…. Or are you suggesting there was no fire or water in Creation until after the ‘fall’?

              Liked by 1 person

            4. @John Zande

              You are just trying to kick up dust and confuse the issue.

              Or are you suggesting there was no fire or water in Creation until after the ‘fall’?

              That is clearly not the same question.

              When you first asked your question, ColorStorm answered your question.

              I answered your question with a question.

              What does the Bible say? You say you have read it. What does it say? Why do you have to ask me?

              You just repeated your question.

              Now, as ColorStorm did, after I pointed to the absurdity of your question, it is suddenly a different question. So here is my answer.

              What does the Bible say? You say you have read it. What does it say? Why do you have to ask me?

              Liked by 1 person

            5. By “dust” you of course mean, “Stop exposing my pantomime for the nonsense it is.”

              You answer a question with a question? How thoroughly juvenile of you, but to be expected, I guess.

              I’m afraid to say, the question hasn’t deviated, Tom, so do please stop your jejune evasive tactics.

              I’m assuming you believe fire and water have always existed in Creation’s 5,000 year history, so I’m also assuming you have evidence fire did not burn and water did not drown before your genesis story tells the tale of all things going terribly, terribly wrong, and your “curse” being imposed upon our species. You say things were once “perfect,” so please demonstrate this claim.

              I look forward to reviewing your answer and verifying the evidence you present.

              Of course, the explanation for this world that stands without need for convenient scapegoat or hastily arranged excuse is that this world was brought into existence by a perfectly wicked, malevolent Creator; a maximally powerful being whose arousal and stimulatory needs are satisfied best by the suffering which pervades all of Creation, and whose single-minded objective is to amplify His pleasure-taking over time. To meet this end, He, the Creator, has fashioned His Creation, this universe, as a colossal pleasure-generating apparatus; a complexity machine that stumbles hopelessly forward from a state of ancestral simplicity to contemporary complexity, where complexity fathers a wretched and forever diversifying family of more devoted fears and faithful anxieties, more pervasive ailments and skilful parasites, more virulent toxins, more capable diseases, and more affectionate expressions of pain, ruin, psychosis and loss.

              Now, some have named a lesser species of this being the Devil, others The Deceiver, Ahriman, Abaddon, Mara, Baphomet, Apollyon, Iblis, Beast, Angra Mainyu, Yama, Moloch, The Father of Lies, The Author of Sin, Druj, Samnu, Mammon, and The Great Spoiler, yet these characters of human literature and tradition do not begin to approach the nature and scope of this entity who may be identified as simply, The Owner of All Infernal Names: a being who does not share His creation with any other comparable spirit, does not seek to be known to or worshipped by that which He has created (or has allowed to be created), and whose greatest proof of existence is that there is no conspicuous proof of His existence—just teleological birthmarks that can be isolated and examined as testimony—for He understands that the trinkets of His greatest amusement, arousal and nutritional satisfaction must be blind to the nature of the world they inhabit so they may act freely, and suffer genuinely.

              So, Tom, which thesis is more robust: the one that exists without an excuse, or the one that can only stand with an inventive, human-written theodicy affixed to it?

              Liked by 1 person

            6. Of course, Tom, you could prove this excuse-free thesis entirely wrong by simply demonstrating to me here that fire did not once burn flesh, and water did not drown babies.

              Liked by 1 person

            7. *(Allow me to re-post this comment with the correct layout)

              By “dust” you of course mean, “Stop exposing my pantomime for the nonsense it is.”

              You answer a question with a question? How thoroughly juvenile of you, but to be expected, I guess.

              I’m afraid to say, the question hasn’t deviated, Tom, so do please stop your jejune evasive tactics.

              I’m assuming you believe fire and water have always existed in Creation’s 5,000 year history, so I’m also assuming you have evidence fire did not burn and water did not drown before your genesis story tells the tale of all things going terribly, terribly wrong, and your “curse” being imposed upon our species. You say things were once “perfect,” so please demonstrate this claim.

              I look forward to reviewing your answer and verifying the evidence you present.

              Of course, the explanation for this world that stands without need for convenient scapegoat or hastily arranged excuse is that this world was brought into existence by a perfectly wicked, malevolent Creator; a maximally powerful being whose arousal and stimulatory needs are satisfied best by the suffering which pervades all of Creation, and whose single-minded objective is to amplify His pleasure-taking over time. To meet this end, He, the Creator, has fashioned His Creation, this universe, as a colossal pleasure-generating apparatus; a complexity machine that stumbles hopelessly forward from a state of ancestral simplicity to contemporary complexity, where complexity fathers a wretched and forever diversifying family of more devoted fears and faithful anxieties, more pervasive ailments and skilful parasites, more virulent toxins, more capable diseases, and more affectionate expressions of pain, ruin, psychosis and loss.

              Now, some have named a lesser species of this being the Devil, others The Deceiver, Ahriman, Abaddon, Mara, Baphomet, Apollyon, Iblis, Beast, Angra Mainyu, Yama, Moloch, The Father of Lies, The Author of Sin, Druj, Samnu, Mammon, and The Great Spoiler, yet these characters of human literature and tradition do not begin to approach the nature and scope of this entity who may be identified as simply, The Owner of All Infernal Names: a being who does not share His creation with any other comparable spirit, does not seek to be known to or worshipped by that which He has created (or has allowed to be created), and whose greatest proof of existence is that there is no conspicuous proof of His existence—just teleological birthmarks that can be isolated and examined as testimony—for He understands that the trinkets of His greatest amusement, arousal and nutritional satisfaction must be blind to the nature of the world they inhabit so they may act freely, and suffer genuinely.

              So, Tom, which thesis is more robust: the one that exists without an excuse, or the one that can only stand with an inventive, human-written theodicy affixed to it?

              Of course, you could prove this excuse-free thesis entirely wrong by simply demonstrating to me here that fire did not once burn flesh, and water did not drown babies.

              Liked by 1 person

            8. @John Zande

              It seems you are trying to steer the discussion back to an area where you think you will be more comfortable, spouting blasphemies. Of course, until you are willing to let God be God, you are not going to be either comfortable or contented, not at all.

              I don’t entirely understand how God created the universe. Given the magnitude of what He did, the first chapters of Genesis don’t tell us much, just what we need to know. Genesis tells us God created everything. Then He gave man a choice, and man chose wrongfully, pridefully.

              What does Genesis tell us about Eden? What does Genesis tell us about Adam and Eve? Could Adam and Eve be burned by fire in Eden? Did they have any babies before the Fall of Man? Since the first two chapters of Genesis don’t say, I will not speculate.

              You can speculate and babble all you want, but I don’t think our Lord is going to move over and let you occupy His throne. What is is, and none of us have any business sitting in God’s throne.

              Anyway, given what you just said, I think it is abundantly clear that I have already addressed your issues. In spite of your protestations to the contrary, you are quite clearly complaining about the Problem of Evil. You are trying to put God on trial. Therefore, the answer I gave you before remains quite sufficient (=>

              As to proof. I am not God. I cannot prove God is God, but God has provided the evidence. Every time we pay attention to our senses we have evidence of His existence.

              Is the Bible true? Jesus says it is, and I am satisfied with the evidence that Jesus died upon a cross for our sakes, that three days after His death He rose from the dead.

              Liked by 3 people

            9. “It seems you are trying to steer the discussion back to an area where you think you will be more comfortable, spouting blasphemies.”

              LOL! Oh, you really are deliciously preposterous, Tom. Now, this is just a suggestion, but perhaps you should take a second or two, three if you need it, to look at what this post is about.

              Address the thesis if you can.

              Liked by 1 person

            10. And no, Tom, I’m not putting your Middle Eastern god on trial. You’re not that special. Read these next few words carefully, OK:

              We are not entertaining excuses here for why things are not as they should be if matter had been persuaded to behave by a benevolent hand, rather presenting a coherent explanation for why things are as they are in the unignorable presence of a Creator.

              Real world, Tom. No pantomimes.

              So, if you think you can mount a coherent, intelligible rebuttal to the thesis then by all means do so.

              Liked by 2 people

    4. There’s a couple of answers to how JZ can get something the Bible is so upfront about wrong. Firstly, he’s not dealing with the Bible. This isn’t an attempt at describing or accusing the character in the Bible. This is an attempt at taking Paley’s argument regarding design and using the creation to make claims about that designer. That designer is God, regardless of what the Bible or Koran (or any other book) says.
      A second good answer, encapsulated in a few excerpts I’ve seen of the book (I’ve not read it yet, as I seem to be in good company here) is that a fully competent God would not lose control of Its creation. Thus, what creation is is the will of a designer (if one accepts to primary assumption a designer exists, which JZ does for this book). And then the book outlines how the creation is filled with things to make us miserable, from several disciplines (which JZ lists, at length, on his blog).
      The rebuttal that one should be content with the contradictions that arise from believing the suffering in the world is our fault–that we somehow subverted the will of an infinitely competent God–simply is not a good explanation of the suffering. Given the existence of a God, JZ thesis (again, in my limited reading of it) is a much better explanation.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Omnimalevolent is what I call the Al Capone defense for non belief. People create God in their own image, then judge Him guilty, and completely reject Him. It’s almost comical in it’s tragedy.

    Call me crazy, but if one genuinely believed that God was Al Capone, then one should just surrender immediately and fork over the protection money.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. In viewing God as Al Capone, atheists simply wish Him out of existence and think Christians stupid for submitting to being extorted by someone who does not really exist.


    2. That’s a really interesting comment, Insanity. The flaw in your reasoning though is this: The Owner of All Infernal Names did not create a heaven or a hell, nor does He seek to be worshipped by that which He has created, or has allowed to be created. He merely created this universe and painted it in impenetrable naturalism.

      He does not punish because veneration is of no use to Him. Worship can be contrived, feigned, and fabricated. Dangerously beautiful temples are easily erected, their steps can be drenched in sacrificial blood, and their walls even built upon the pure bodies of the sacrificed, but such cosmetic things only give the false appearance of homage. The fear of retribution among a population might be real, even palpable, and a few might even be able to convince themselves that they are being honest, but to the Omnimalevolent Creator such forced prostration would contravene all notions of autonomy and free will, and having freely acting agents is a fundamental necessity for the universe to have any meaning at all to the Creator.

      All forms of worship, adoration, idolatry, sacrifice, ritual and supplication are antithetical to the existence of free will, and are therefore worthless performances to be avoided at all costs. Should His most treasured instruments of amusement, stimulation, and arousal not be autonomous and free to do evil (or at times, good) then no pleasure could be extracted from any tragedy, regardless of how impressively ghastly or wildly profitable that tragedy might be. A billion unthinking automatons smashing another billion unthinking automatons upon rocks is a trifle to the brief but stunningly potent harvest savoured from a single freely acting mother who in a moment of broken moral control drowns her children, or a lover who strangles his partner when his affection was found unrequited.

      You see, the Creator does not interfere, and unlike the excuse you peddle, He has not lost total control of his creation. Such a proposition simply too fantastic to entertain for any period longer than the time it takes to drink half a cup of tea. God, by definition, is maximally competent. God, by definition, is maximally efficient. There are no mistakes. There can be no mistakes, no missteps, no lapses or miscalculations. What exists, exists because it was envisaged by the Catalogue of Catalogues that is the mind of God. The machine has not malfunctioned. The program is running precisely as designed. Creation is unfurling exactly as desired by the Creator.The universe expands and evil expands along with it, spreading out across the infant pink flesh of new landscapes and hard vacuum like a shadow. But it is not a shadow. It is not a secondary thing following creation. It is not a residue. It expands from within, from the source. It is not an auxiliary product of, but rather a fixture in that which comes: the mortar and cinderblock. It is the marrow of Creation.

      “You might suspect I bring calamity upon your roofs, but I have never pestered the atmosphere that swirls above your heads, never tutored those great rocky plates which swim under your feet, never aggravated a river, schooled a virus, or tossed an asteroid at you. Accuse me all you like, but I have never stood over a single organism and instructed it to be cruel.
      I could.
      I could unleash civilisation-wrecking floods, deliver centuries-long droughts, and fashion a thousand flesh dissolving plagues before your warm, wet, decaying synapses even had time to register their electrochemical disgust at such boasts, but why would I?
      Why should I?
      These little dramas are already assured.” (Confessions of the Creator)

      Now, on the other hand, this Al Capone you speak of sounds awfully like your particular Middle Eastern god, Yhwh. By your own storyline, he loves you so much he created Hell, just in case you didn’t love him back in the right way. He demands worship, veneration, and lusts for blood sacrifices… or he will punish you. “

      Love me, or burn…”

      So, when you say, “Call me crazy, but if one genuinely believed that God was Al Capone, then one should just surrender immediately and fork over the protection money”, isn’t that exactly what you’ve done?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Isn’t it interesting Zande, that where you see evil and malevolent intent, I see only love, grace, and mercy? Sometimes I wonder if we don’t get the God we ask for, if that is not the ultimate form of justice, a bit like marrying someone just like yourself. Karmedic or comedic justice. I pray you never meet your malevolent creator, Zande. I pray that God shows you the same love and mercy He has shown me.

        As to hell, extortion, and protection money, no, in my case that is not true at all. For many years I did not believe in hell or the enemy or dark things at all. God so gently covered my eyes and put a hedge of protection around me, because my hell was pretty much right here on earth. In those years however, He built a relationship with me, so gently, so sweetly, always puling me towards Him, not with threats of punishment, but with promises of love and protection.

        His creation is awesome, magnificent, powerful, and there are many things I do not understand, some forms of suffering that feel so unfair, and yet I know my God, He has a purpose and a plan in all that He does and allows, and at the heart of that plan is a great love for His children.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. ”Isn’t it interesting Zande, that where you see evil and malevolent intent, I see only love, grace, and mercy?”

          Of course you do… Under the threat of punishment by your Al Capone!

          But it’s interesting SOM bought up Paley. Here’s a wonderful Paley quote, which I’m just certain you’d endorse as you see only love, grace, and mercy in your tiny, tiny world:

          “A bee amongst the flowers in spring is one of the most cheerful objects that can be looked upon. Its life appears to be all enjoyment; so busy, and so pleased.”

          Let us now look under the microscope. Here we discover the bee’s outer body is infested with the ferocious varroa mite, their airways riddled with impatiently greedy acarine (tracheal) mites, their intestines ravaged by the veracious nosema apis, and their hives, where some degree of safety should at least be expected, is instead crowded with gluttonous bacillus larvae and the hideous Brood Disease.

          Tell me, Insanity: what does an honest teleological survey of this naturally self-complicating universe tell you?

          Liked by 2 people

          1. You want me to explain the birds and the bees to you, Zande? 😉

            I’m curious, why do you empathize with the bee and not the mites or the nosema apis? Seems to me you’re engaging in a bit of parasite oppression and host privilege there. Who are you to declare the bee’s worth and value to be so much higher than the poor little parasite’s desire to survive too?

            Symbiosis, Zande, if you could just grasp the symbiosis of it all, you’d be on the path to greater wisdom.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Insanity, I asked you a question:

              what does an honest teleological survey of this naturally self-complicating universe tell you?

              Does it speak to a maximally powerful, mistake-free Creator who is in total control of his Creation?

              Liked by 1 person

            2. “Does it speak to a maximally powerful, mistake-free Creator who is in total control of his Creation? ”

              That’s a common theme with you, Zande. You fear following a Leader whom you have judged unworthy, due to His inability or unwillingness to maintain iron fisted, complete control.

              To get back to Silence’s post, that is the inherent danger of atheism, the psychology that lurks behind the totalitarian tendencies that always eventually manifest themselves.

              Liked by 3 people

            3. Insanity, why the evasion?

              what does an honest teleological survey of this naturally self-complicating universe tell you?

              Does it speak to a maximally powerful, mistake-free Creator who is in total control of his Creation?

              Liked by 1 person

            4. Teleology is foolishness, Zande, and often frowned upon in scientific circles, because whether something is “good or bad,” or “true or false” is understood to be beyond the ability and capacity of human perception to judge.

              The heart of the matter is actually within you Zande, not outside in the world of psuedo science and faulty interpretations.

              Liked by 3 people

            5. Ah, I see. You don’t want to actually truly look at this world, for that, of course, contradicts every sweet smelling theological opinion you hold dear.

              Let’s not let reality interfere with a good dream, even if you know its a lie, huh?

              Fair enough. Keep your blinkers on and your carefully arranged delusions well-polished, it pleases the Creator. There is a calculating ingenuity, after all, in having men, above all other creatures, so carefully maimed, so blind, that they do not even know how to put a measure to their blindness.

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            6. “There is a calculating ingenuity, after all, in having men, above all other creatures, so carefully maimed, so blind, that they do not even know how to put a measure to their blindness.”

              How unbearably sad Zande, how utterly heart breaking, that you cannot see those 3 fingers pointing back at you when you try to accuse others of being blind. I see Zande, I see so well, all of it, the good, the bad, and the ugly,and yet I cannot even describe it to you, cannot even give you a peek into the wonder of it all. As sad as that is, I imagine God’s grief is even greater. He only wishes to love you, to have a relationship with you, and yet you wall Him off, preferring to cling to your pride and your rather foolish human notions about the nature of reality.

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            7. ”He only wishes to love you, to have a relationship with you…”

              Or what, Insanity, I’ll be punished!

              But of course, your Al Capone beats you only when you’re bad, right, Insanity?

              Now, don’t blame me if reality doesn’t fit your fantasy, your theology. Don’t blame me if those excuses you deploy to explain this world don’t actually explain anything.

              Believe me, I appreciate the tremendous internal conflict that storms inside you. The contradictions are enormous, but know that your torment is a sweet pleasure for the Creator. The prevalence of religious belief pleases Him. He wants you to believe in some alternative scheme, and He celebrates that you’ve invented pantomimes that try to explain the degenerate shape of things. Your self-harming brings delight to Him.

              I’m afraid however to say, that universal prayer which has been nervously whispered, spoken, chanted, shouted and even screamed towards the air in every known language and now misplaced dialect since time immemorial, “Deliver us from evil,” has never, and will never be answered. One cannot, after all, be ‘delivered’ from one’s source.

              Liked by 2 people

  4. […] at Silence’s place he left me a comment that I simply must elaborate on because it so perfectly encapsulates the […]


  5. […] last post, The “Omnimalevalent God” – Or How the Atheist Ruthlessly Murders His Own Argument, left me mildly disgruntled. Why did he have to write a post that advertised the rantings of a […]


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