Why Atheists Cannot Claim To Be Moral

Stalin Genocide

The atheist regime in the Soviet Union slaughtered 6 million of its own people by starving them to death. Adolf Hitler killed 6 million Jews from all over Europe.

The moral of the story is that without an objective set of morals based on “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” as it says in the American Declaration of Independence, morality is simply a matter of opinion.

For example, the atheists claims that in the Bible, God committed genocide when he eradicated evil people. While at the same time, the atheist advocates abortion which is the genocide of innocent unborn children.

Christian ethics hold that the eradication of evil is good and that the slaughter of the innocent by the 10’s of millions is genocide, and therefore immoral.

Clearly, atheist “morality” leaves much to be desired, namely reason, logic and compassion, the very attributes that atheists claim to champion

Consequently, the atheist himself proves that atheism cannot be moral.

The atheist simply imitates those Christian values he favors and discards those he doesn’t.

100 responses to “Why Atheists Cannot Claim To Be Moral”

  1. Just one point: Hitler was a Christian.

    Here’s a lovely quote from Mein Kampf: “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”

    Not enough? How about: “In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.” (From a speech he gave on April 12, 1922)

    There’s a lot more evidence, if you’d like to see it…


    1. A perverted false gospel =/= Christianity. Case closed.


      1. No True Scotsman. The Pope never even ex-communicated him. If your standard is “People who do bad things aren’t Christian,” then obviously there aren’t any bad Christians. But Christian isn’t a term that has any sort of mortal component. It’s strictly a description of religious belief. You never see atheists claiming that Mao wasn’t a *real* atheist because of the terrible stuff he did.


        1. John 14:15, 14:23, 15:10 are an indicator that Hitler was not a Christian. He obviously did not keep Jesus’ commandments, therefore, Hitler did not love Jesus. You cannot be a Christian if you hate Christ.

          Hitler may have asserted that he was Christian, but I am telling you right now that I’m a black woman (though I appear to be a white man).


          1. Black Woman isn’t a statement of belief, though. It’s a statement of ethnic origin and sex, neither of which can be changed by someone saying so. Christian is a statement of belief. How can you claim to know better than he what his true beliefs were?


          2. By the way, I just checked out those Bible verses, and they all concern whether you love Jesus, not whether you’re a Christian. You might think they’re the same, but the Oxford English Dictionary would disagree with you. Not to mention, how do you tell whether or not he loved Jesus? The motto of the SS was God With Us. And what do you say to these?


            Tell me one thing Hitler did that was different in quality, not just quantity, from other Christian leaders throughout world history. He killed more, but he’s certainly not the first Christian leader to kill Jews, to invade nations, to dehumanize others, &c. Or were they all not really Christians either? How about you tell me which world leaders you do consider Christian.


            1. John,

              Loving Jesus and being Christian are synonymous.


            2. How do you determine whether someone loves Jesus? How do you tell who’s a Christian?


            3. John,

              Christian is as Christian does.


            4. Can you provide some examples of Christian national leaders for my edification?


  2. Mort,

    This post is about the immorality of atheism, which you completely ignore by stating something that is obviously false.

    The central doctrine of Christianity is, “Love thy neighbor.”

    Do you think Adolf Hitler was practicing Christian doctrine when he set about murdering all those Jews?

    Also, you missed the part of Mein Kampf where Hitler said the bigger the lie the better.

    Your quote from Adolf Hitler is an obvious lie.

    Consequently, you, the atheist prove the point of this post because you intentionally use a lie as a counter argument against the facts.

    Lying is immoral.

    But you intentionally engage in lying simply for argument’s sake thus proving that the atheist is immoral.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It doesn’t matter if he was a practicing Christian. He still claimed to be a Christian and even used biblical material in Mein Kampf.

      I used an historical document to prove you, the believer, wrong. Hitler was a Christian. As were all the men who committed atrocities in the Crusades, the Inquisition, the German witch hunts, etc.

      Do you think you have the right to say they weren’t Christians because they weren’t acting how you think Christians should act? How do you know how they felt in their hearts?

      It seems lying is a favorite pastime of yours. In fact, your whole worldview is based on a lie. I suppose I should have figured you’d have to participate.


      1. Mort,

        Intentionally making false claims is lying.

        You saying lying, “doesn’t matter,” is further proof that the atheist has no morals.

        What is true is whatever you, the atheist, says is true.

        Therefore, if Mort the atheist says one of Hitler’s lies is in fact the truth, will then it must be the truth because Mort the atheist says so.

        It is a logical fallacy to establish one’s own self as the authority for one’s own argument.

        Consequently, not only do you prove the central theme of my post which is that atheists cannot be moral, but you also prove that atheists are strangers to reason.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, intentionally making false claims is lying. Your claim that Hitler was an atheist (or your inference to that affect) was a false claim. Which means you are lying. Indeed, you’ve spouted lies about me, as well.

          I could use your same argumentation method: whatever you say is true because you say it. Is that not what you think? It’s certainly how you write.

          I have never once established the authority of my claims on myself or my own authority. I challenge you to find a place in which I have done that.

          To counter, I would say everything I have ever read of yours has in fact relied on doing just that. You seem to think you can posit arguments, not support them with facts, and still expect others to view them as true.

          Are you sure you understand a) logic, and b) the composition of a lie?


          1. Juxtaposing Stalin and Hitler was intended to show that the atheist mass murders were aimed at Stalin’s own citizens, while Hitler’s genocide was aimed at foreign threats to the Fatherland.

            You claiming that I insinuated that Hitler was an atheist is just another one of your lies.

            Is it too much to ask that you quit lying?

            Of course it is because atheists just can’t help it because they are fundamentally immoral.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. It’s been fun hitting my head against your illogical, dishonest brick wall, but I’ve got to return to the real world.

              Maybe if you actually understood how to construct a coherent, evidence-based argument you wouldn’t have to defend your points so much.

              My point to you was that Hitler’s actions were based on his Christian views, not on atheism as you implied. In fact, you have absolutely no evidence to suggest Hitler’s actions had anything to do with atheism. Were his actions immoral? Yes. But this was not because he lacked a set of morals. After all, he identified as a Christian.

              Do you even know what atheism is? It’s just a disbelief in a god or gods. Nothing more, nothing less. But you seem to think all atheists belong to some card-carrying club.

              I take you calling me a liar about as seriously as I take any of your ill-founded arguments. Good thing I’ve got a strong moral backbone and believe in unwavering intellectual honesty. I am not sure I can say the same for you.

              In the end, though, because I know I have sources and evidence to support my arguments, I will let my writing speak for itself.


    2. Could you please provide some examples of national leaders you consider to be Christians, past or present?


  3. I live in a world of facts, not lies. I use facts, not make-believe, to support my arguments. Can you truly say the same?

    You believe in an invisible entity who supposedly inspired a compilation of writings written by unknown authors over the course of hundreds of years. And you actually think this compilation is historically and scientifically accurate!

    You willfully engage in cognitive dissonance and you willfully engage in ad hoc argumentation with no foundation. I come at your arguments from the real, physical world full of evidence for my views. Are you sure you understand what comprises a lie?


    1. Mort,

      Since you are trying to masquerade one of Hitler’s big lies as the truth you are lying by saying, “I live in a world of facts, not lies.”

      That statement is a lie because you know it is not true.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Silence,

        You’re missing the point, which ultimately does not surprise me. Mudslinging is your only true defense. Rational minds can see the lies stem from your end, not mine.

        Did Hitler say he was Christian? Yes. Did he follow Christian precepts? No. But, really, doesn’t your brand of Christianity teach of a personal relationship with Jesus? How do you know Hitler did not believe he had such a relationship? You don’t know that at all.

        And in answer to your question, yes, I do think Hitler was using Christian doctrine to engage in his atrocities. In fact, I think what he did could be easily explained using the Bible itself. After all, the Bible promotes killing opposing peoples, nonbelievers, and anyone deemed an enemy by YHWH in the Old Testament (see Exodus 22:19; Exodus 12:29-30; II Chronicles 15:12-13; Deut. 12:13-19; Deut. 13:7-12; Deut. 17:2-5; Ezekiel 9:5-7; Jeremiah 51:20-26, among others).

        Just because you’ve cherry-picked one quote from Jesus does not mean myriad other biblical verses do not support atrocities just like those committed by Hitler, a man who called himself a Christian.

        To that point, are you aware of how much anti-Semitism exists in Christian history? Apparently not. Many early Christians of the gentile variety believed the Jews killed Jesus, which brought about a whole history of Christian anti-Semitism. So, yes, Hitler could very well have identified as a Christian and still committed horrible atrocities.


        1. What quote did I cherry pick from Jesus?

          And why is your quote of a lie from Adolf Hitler, not cherry picking?


          1. Oh Silence. You’re a gem. Mark 12:31 would be the original.

            And I did indeed quote two sources regarding Hitler’s views. I can quote more if you’d like.


            1. Mort,

              A Bible quote of Jesus stating fundamental Christian doctrine is not cherry picking.

              Jesus stating the fundamental doctrine of Christianity proves that you are lying and it is me not using myself as the authority for my own argument.

              In fact, you accusing me of cherry picking a Bible quote is yet another one of your lies.

              How many lies is that for you?

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Zero by my count. But, like I said, I have the real world waiting. Enjoy your fantasy land.


        2. Mort,

          Your entire series of comments concern Adolf Hitler, which has nothing whatsoever to do with this post.

          Consequently, it is you who has missed the point.

          Could you please address the point of this point?

          Of course you can’t. That’s why you’ve changed the subject to one of Hitler’s lies.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Read what I wrote and I hope it computes. My points were directly related to yours. Don’t use a Christian (Hitler) as an example of atheist immorality if you do not intend to support your argument.


            1. Mort,

              I did not use a Hitler as an example of atheist immorality.

              I have already explained why I included Hitler’s genocide in this post.

              You don’t get to redefine the meaning of this post.


            2. You don’t know how to clearly present a thesis, then. We wouldn’t be here if your premise was clear.

              But, like I said, it’s been fun. Alas, the real world awaits.


  4. Good post Silence. Atheism is immoral simply because even if God were not real, the placebo affect alone would have great value to society. Telling people that they shouldn’t believe in God or that God isn’t real is a bit like telling a cancer patient that the placebo drug that is curing them is wrong to take because it isn’t “real”. If it’s healing them, then who cares if it’s just a placebo? Science has finally caught on to the fact that placebos sometimes work, so to step in at that point in self righteous indignation, would be immoral.

    God is very real and quite wonderful, too. But even if you did not know that, the benefits to a society that come from believing in things like Divine love, justice, and accountability, are so huge, that the only moral thing to do would be to keep your mouth shut. Therefore, atheists are immoral because they put their own prideful selves before the needs of individuals and the common good.


    1. Insanity,

      I always enjoy, and greatly benefit from, your fresh take on things.

      I’m just a nuts and bolts guy who deals in simple principles, but you are somehow able to weave those simple principles into quite a very beautiful tapestry that illustrates the complex ramifications of truth and falsehood.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Do you ever consider the possibility of communities being able to display the same love, compassion and justice without a god? I’m just curious.


      1. Tree,

        All civilizations grew up around religion.

        That’s because religion orders human behavior so that enough cooperation occurs for a civilization to be born.

        Christianity powered the rise of the greatest, most prosperous, most just, most technically advanced civilization in human history.

        The greatness of Western Civilization is a reflection of the greatness of Christianity as a religion.

        Also, free markets that create unlimited wealth require the level of cooperation among men that has only been found in the Christian West.

        Atheism does nothing to attenuate man’s baser nature and thus can only lead to civil chaos, not cooperation.


        1. Do you have some evidence that Christianity leads to the most prosperous, just and advanced societies?


          1. Tree,

            The evidence is the history Europe from the fall of Rome to the Christian Middle Ages, through to the present.

            I took Hillsdale College’s Introduction to economics also.

            The instructor never mentions religion but he is crystal clear that modern free markets are only possible through a high degree of cooperation.

            The high level of cooperation among men is a Christian value.


            1. But the first Christians were Communist!

              Odd, huh?


            2. John,

              The monastic life is alive and well in religions like Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism.

              Maybe your buddy Karl Marx was a closet monk.


            3. You failed to address the fact that the first Christians were Communist. In fact, they were such rabid Communists that they murdered followers who weren’t good Communists, like them.

              So, are you a Communist, SOM? If not, why aren’t you, considering the first Christians, the disciples of Jesus Christ, were?


    3. If Atheist are immoral, Insanity, why do they only make up 0.2% of the US prison population, whereas Christians make up 75%?


      1. John,

        Even your average convict seems to realize that everything just doesn’t happen all by itself.


        1. That didn’t answer the question, SOM.


      2. John, statistics are one of the best ways to deceive yourself. Atheists are such a tiny percentage of the population, you’re simply going to find less of them in prisons. I never really said atheists themselves are immoral, I said atheism as an ideology is immoral. Most atheists are former Christians who grew up with Christian values, benefited from Christian ideals, learned Christian morals. They just deny where their morality comes from. If you take Christianity out of society you often wind up with some atrocious systems, communism, fascism, mass slaughter.


        1. LOL! Sorry, Insanity, but Atheists (None’s) now make up about 30% of the US population, Christians, around 65%.


        2. John, atheism is a ideology of the highly privileged and comfortable, generally those from white, Western, middle class back grounds. Your attempt to brag about the vast moral superiority of atheists is somewhat immoral, because it does not take into account the racial and economic issues that often lead to crime.

          In a bass akwards way, you’ve actually made my point. Those who have benefitted the most from the privilege of living in a Christian culture are less likely to wind up in prison. Rather than acknowledge that fact, you seek to deprive those less fortunate then you of their belief in Christianity, the one thing that has been proven to lift people up from their circumstances and set them on a better path. You seek to take away their hope and their path to redemption. That’s immoral John and kind of cruel.


          1. Proof? Where’s your evidence that atheism stems from a privileged populace? This is a myth. Not to mention, atheism is not an ideology. It’s simply disbelief in a deity or deities.


          2. So are you saying that intellectual educated people reject religion because they don’t need it while thick people and racial minority groups accept it because that’s their only hope in life?

            I think I misunderstood what you were saying.


            1. Rough,

              You are making two errors:

              1. You generalize that intelligent people reject religion.
              2. You generalize that “thick people” and “racial minority groups” accept religion.

              Your thinking is based completely on elitist and racial stereotypes, which characterizes fascism.


            2. No, my comment as based on what insanity wrote. I don’t actually think about it at all apart from when I read wondrous blog posts.


            3. Intellectual and privileged people are more capable of insolating themselves against the reality of their own existence and deceiving themselves about the world around them. Poor people, minorities, are less likely to avail themselves of such deceptions, since we are forced to confront reality on a daily basis.

              Yes, often poor people and minorities have developed the eyes to see the world in ways that no formal education can ever deliver.


            4. Isolating or insulating? Insolating is a neat combo though.

              We’re all forced to confront reality, insanity. Every day. That’s why we don’t delude ourselves with fairy tales.

              You mean poor people and minorities are so desperate they hunger for the Promised Land? A decent job and affordable housing would be more use.


    1. Oh, and here’s another one…. General porn consumption = highest among Conservative Christians.

      How do you explain this, SOM?



      1. John,

        Here is you proving the point of this post, that atheists have no morals:

        Christians partaking of porn = gay porn consumption in the Bible Belt = atheist starving 6,000,000 innocent people to death.

        I love it when you guys drop by!


        1. That didn’t answer the question, SOM


          1. I’m glad you’ve jumped in on this lovely exchange John. I found it so delightful I had to repost it. The Insanity/Silence combo is a winner!


            1. I’d pay good money to sit near them at a dinner, just to listen in on the conversation 🙂


            2. Oh wow! That would be amazing!!! 😀

              Liked by 1 person

      2. LOL, that’s kind of funny John. You probably can’t see it, but equating porn consumption to mass slaughter is NOT an effective argument for the moral superiority of atheists.

        Also the fact that you zeroed in on the porn rather then the potential moral implications of Google analytics attempting to analyze, spy, and profile people doesn’t display a morality with much depth to it. You are motivated by nothing more than a desire to one up Christians, to establish your superiority, a simple biological human impulse, rather than an intellectual response based on your ability to reason and process information. You missed several ethical issues presented in your article and instead went for the shiny object on the ground, Christians-porn-bad.


        1. Oh, don’t try and dodge the facts, Insanity. Facts are facts, they are what they. Just because you don’t like them, and what story they tell, doesn’t make them go away. This post was, as usual, a silly attempt to conflate morality with Christianity. I proved that wrong by using two facts: prison population and porn.

          Please, show me the evidence atheists are immoral….


          1. Why do you believe porn is immoral, John?


            1. I don’t actually, if everyone’s happy. I just find it amusing that Conservative Christians (in the US, at least) whine about societal ills, yet here they are, drinking down porn in massive quantities, and filling US prisons in a disproportionate way.


            2. You don’t actually find porn to be immoral and yet you used it as an example of the immorality of Christians? How does that work in the realm of logic, John? Is porn immoral or not?

              If you believe Christian consumption of porn is immoral, then logically you should also believe that atheist acceptance of porn so “everyone can be happy” is also immoral.


            3. Evidently you didn’t read a word I wrote. I don’t find it immoral (provided all parties are willing participants), yet Christians (Conservative Christians) do… especially gay porn, and here they are, consuming it in vast quantities. The sheer hypocrisy is rather astounding, wouldn’t you say?

              Is extreme hypocrisy immoral? I’d say, yes.

              And again, the enormously disproportionate number of Christians in US jails fly’s in the face of your proposition that morality is a bastion of Christians. Evidently, it is not. The facts and figures prove that, don’t they?


            4. John,

              But that is exactly the point. And I appreciate you making it for me once again:

              Atheists have no moral code but Christians do.

              Christians therefore, know when they are committing an immoral act and atheists do not.


            5. Wow, a bazzillion points for utter nonsense SOM. Well done! So, show me, then, where the correlation of that plays out in the real world….


            6. John,

              I posted a Chicago newspaper headline from 1935 at the beginning of this post that shows how atheist immorality plays out in the real world when atheists take control of government.

              Clearly, you haven’t even bothered reading the post.

              Which means once again that you have proved my point about atheists.

              You just come here to lie, obfuscate and abuse those who expose atheism for what it really is.


            7. LOL!

              So, Stalin killed in the name of Atheism, huh? You better start writing your thesis SOM, because there are History and Political Science faculties across the planet clearly in need of your remarkable revision of actual political history 🙂


            8. John,

              The atheist regime commits genocide in the name of the State.

              Modernists Descartes, Kant and Marx devised philosophies which replaced God with the State.

              Whereas God is merciful and loving, the State is brutal and without mercy.

              I included a newspaper post from 1935 as a primary historical source so that when John the atheist accused me of revising history, everyone would realize that you are lying.

              That atheists routinely lie proves the thesis of this post.


            9. Again, please show where Stalin killed in the name of Atheism.

              Now, SOM, you never answered my question: Are you a Communist, like the first Christians?


            10. John,

              I did address your comment.

              My reply went completely over your head, evidently.

              Sorry but I can’t dumb it down any further.


            11. You most certainly did not address it. If you, however, think you did, please post it under this comment so I can review it.


            12. John,

              Communism is a system of government.

              Jesus and his Apostles lived what is called a monastic lifestyle.

              I simply cannot dumb it down any further for you.


            13. A monastic lifestyle where they MURDERED people for not being good Communists, like they were!



            14. Ahhhh, so Communism is a system of government now, huh? Funny, so where’s the “atheist” part come in?


              You’re losing it, SOM…. getting all confused in your own nonsense 🙂


            15. Here, I’ll help you out SOM.

              (Acts 2:44-45) All that believed were together, and had all things in common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.

              (Acts 4 32-35) All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.

              So serious was this communism that the married couple, Ananias and his wife Sapphira, were murdered by the Christian commune for withholding some of their possessions. (Acts 5:1-11)

              Evidently, Marx’s famous line “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need” comes directly from the Acts of the Apostles.

              So, are you a Communist, like Jesus apostles were?


            16. John,

              What the Bible is describing is the monastic lifestyle.

              It is not describing a regime of state government.


            17. Right…. a monastic lifestyle where they MURDERED people for not being good Communists, like they were!

              So, SOM, are you a good Communist, or would the Apostles of Jesus Christ murder you, too?


            18. Hey SOM, can you fix up your comments settings. This tapering down to atom-sized threads is annoying.



            19. Why do you think hypocrisy is immoral, John? Also, how would an atheist express hypocrisy? Secretly engaging in prayer? Clandestine bible reading? You have to actually have a standard before you can have a double standard. Without that first standard, there’s no way to measure hypocrisy at all.

              Christians are hypocrites John, we’ve proven that over and over again. The fact remains however, that removing Christian values from the world as a way of removing hypocrisy, is a bit like killing the patient to get rid of cancer. Not a moral solution, John.


            20. Have you been drinking, Insanity? You’re not making any sense at all, which is a rather startling admission, considering the typically nonsensical base you are usually operating from 😉


            21. Are you forfeiting already, John? Sheesh, I haven’t even finished my first cup of coffee. 🙂


            22. Forfeiting what? Do you think you’ve made a point?


  5. I absolutely LOVE your blog posts. It’s like I’ve stumbled through some sort of portal and found someone who is opposite to me and my central beliefs and knowings in every conceivable way lol. I love it, and I’m not being facetious.

    This particular post, like the rest of them, is riddled with falsehoods but I’m sure you’d assert the same about my posts lol. Unfortunately, we see eye-to-chin on almost everything.

    I would like to address the central point, though. Atheists cannot be called immoral just because other atheists (or agnostics or religiously-unaffiliated) did despicable things. Stalin, for example, is not a ruler by which an honest person can/would measure all nonbelievers. Just like Adolph Hitler (a Roman-Catholic) is not a ruler by which an honest person can/would measure other Christians. Mao’s actions are not reflective of my morality (which, coincidentally, predates Judaism and Christian). We are all our own people and we are all accountable for ourselves, not the actions of out ancestors.

    I enjoyed the blog post. I’ll be sure to read a few of the others. Thank you 🙂


    1. Thanks Aiden!

      Hopefully we can have many lively discussions.


  6. Hey SOM! I’m just finishing up a post that links to this one!

    I just wanted to pop in and say Jesus and I love you, but only one of us can prove it with a hug!

    Hope your priest doesn’t see all these comments of yours! I don’t think sitting on his hands will do the trick!


    1. Oh boy…

      A Sirius hug…

      Do I need to go to Confession for thinking something nasty?


  7. “Who says I am not under the special protection of God?”
    — Adolph Hitler —

    “Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith … We need believing people.”
    — Adolf Hitler —
    April 26, 1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading to the Nazi-Vatican Concordat of 1933.


    1. Wisp,

      Nazi ideology is similar to atheism in that it is a complete rejection of our Western Heritage.

      That is to say, both Nazi and atheist regimes are brutal, genocidal and tyrannical.

      Nevertheless, two differences between Nazi ideology and atheist ideology are:

      1. Nazism embodies extreme nationalism and race superiority and therefore endeavors to unleash the master race upon humanity in never ending genocidal mania.

      2. The atheist regimes set about molding humanity into the “new man.” Those who refuse to be molded are exterminated in nationwide campaigns of genocide.

      Now, if you will, juxtapose Nazi ideology of race superiority and genocide of the inferior races with the teachings of Jesus:

      Love God and do something similar which is to love thy neighbor.

      Yes, Wisp, Christianity teaches that loving our fellow man is similar to loving God, Himself.

      We may then conclude that your comment which attempts to make a Christian and religious man out of a psychotic, genocidal maniac, is a lie.

      You know it’s a lie, therefore you prove that, like your atheist brethren commenting here, that you too, are immoral.

      Atheism demands immorality of its disciples.


      1. “We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.”
        -Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 Oct. 1933

        “My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow my self to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows . For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.”
        -Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922

        “Christianity could not content itself with building up its own altar; it was absolutely forced to undertake the destruction of the heathen altars. Only from this fanatical intolerance could its apodictic faith take form; this intolerance is, in fact, its absolute presupposition.”
        -Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf

        “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”
        -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)


        1. John,

          I have already addressed your atheist talking points in my previous comment to Wisp.


          1. Please address this one beautiful quote:

            “We were convinced that the people needs and requires this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out.”

            -Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 Oct. 1933

            Why do you think Hitler was fighting against Atheists, SOM?


            1. John,

              You are repeating lies that I have already addressed.


            2. Can’t address it, can you? Hitler, the good Christian, hated atheists, and actively fought against them. That would make Atheists the good guys, wouldn’t it?

              I can appreciate the awkward situation you have found yourself in. I can even sympathise with your position. Being shown how wrong you are is never fun 🙂


            3. John,

              Insanity is defined as the atheist babbling the same lie over and over again expecting a different result.


            4. LOL

              Dodge, evade, flee…. Well done, SOM. Christian apologetics at its very best!


            5. John,

              Atheism is someone babbling the same lie over and over again expecting the same result.


            6. Check your settings SOM, you seem to be on a looped-playback 😉


            7. John,

              Atheism is genocide without ever having to say you’re sorry.

              Liked by 1 person

  8. The atheist can claim lots of things, but to claim morality is nonsense as there is no basis for these claims. They are merely preferences. You may prefer not to murder people, but I may prefer to murder people on warm sunny days. Neither are inherently right or wrong. Morality is an illusion if it is devoid of God.


  9. This blog isn’t even difficult to refute, Christopher Hitchens constant refrain was this: Name a moral action or statement that can be made by a believer that can not be made by a non-believer. You can’t. There is no moral action that a believer can take that a non-believer can not. Now name an immoral action that can only be done by a believer, you’ve already thought of one…. The crusades, the inquisition, suicide bombings etc etc etc.


    1. Em,

      Christopher Hitchens was a mean old drunk who had trouble cobbling together 2 consecutive coherent thoughts at a time.

      Whether an atheist can make the same moral statement as that of a believer has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

      That’s because talk is cheap.

      Therefore, to examine the morality of atheists we have to look at their actions, not what they say.

      And the fact is, atheist regimes have committed the greatest mass murders in human history, precisely because they were atheist regimes.

      You and many other atheists who live in the West may think you possess innate morals.

      But you don’t.

      That humans possess an innate sense of morals is as ridiculous as the fundamental dogma of atheism which is everything just happened all by itself.

      Atheists in the West are moral simply because they are mimicking the Christian culture that surrounds them.

      Liked by 1 person

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