Using Evolution to Prove Why the Atheist Can Never Be Happy

Without God, all there is, is nature and nature’s laws.

Evolution is a fundamental natural law according to atheists who also claim science as their authority.


Aside from having to get over the fact that great, great, great grandma and grandpa were amoebas, evolution is all about a creature’s ability to reproduce.

And how does that happen?

The basic mechanics of evolution depend upon a creature’s ability to satisfy its appetites.

For mammals, that would include the appetite for food, water and sex.

Since man is a mammal and a product of evolution our only purpose in life is to satisfy our appetites.

So the basic question that the atheist must answer (aside from how everything happened all by itself) is, does eating, drinking and having sex make a human being happy?

Of course, the answer is a gargantuan, Nozilla.

The preceding is a proof that atheist man can never be happy man.

“No one knows what it’s like to be the bad man, the sad man…”

…except atheist man.

92 responses to “Using Evolution to Prove Why the Atheist Can Never Be Happy”

  1. Snafu,

    Just as each and every thing in the universe does not determine its own purpose, neither does man.

    Each and every thing comes into being with a purpose, and so does man.

    But because man of all creatures is born without knowing how to fulfill its purpose (“telos” is the word the ancient Greeks gave this concept), this is something that must be learned.

    Religion, especially the Christian religion, has the function of teaching man his “telos” or the fulfillment of his nature.

    Without God as objective source of morals and teacher of purpose, the human being becomes a SNAFU:

    Situation Normal All Fucked Up.

    Your moniker is quite appropriate.


    1. apparently people are capable are screwing themselves up with religion too… and some, without religion, seem to have found enough purpose to make it through their lives.

      Religion assigns a purpose (serve god and keep his commandments), but i could assign a purpose as well as you or anyone else and write it in a book.

      This leads me to the question, how do we know which book to follow – or is there one? all were written by men. All are claims of men. How do we tell which claim is accurate and do any of them have to be?


      1. William,

        Yes. The human ability to screw things up is at the level of genius.


        1. well said


  2. We can file this under “OK, so you don’t like the implications of atheism…but that doesn’t make it untrue.” I don’t like Ebola, that doesn’t mean it’s not a real feature of our universe.


  3. I’m quite happy, and I disprove you thusly. What is your counter-argument?


    1. He will deny Reality – he will say you aren’t happy. He will say whatever he wants to keep his fantasy alive. He doesn’t care about truth, only being right about what he believes.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This entire blog is a testament to the fact that religion doesn’t require great minds to keep it alive, but the opposite.


    1. Brent,

      Where in this post is there any mention of religion?


      1. I said “blog”, not “post”.


        1. And let me clarify. I think you are a typical New Apologist that takes well-trodden tropes, repeats them, and has no intention on questioning them – I think you enjoy the feeling you are right and don’t care if you are rigorous or accurate. Your constant drum beat against atheism shows you have no understanding of atheism, science or religion. Ironically, you write a post of why atheists can’t understand the Bible, ignoring the fact that most atheists were Christian, and many Christian theologians become atheist, or visa- versa. After all, if atheists couldn’t understand the Bible, why do some atheists become Christian?
          And, it ignore the fact that MOST Christians haven’t read the Bible.
          I have tried to engage you in intelligent conversation, yet you retreat to polemics – as if you are a shill for a political party. You reap what you sow. If you continue to take meaningless jabs, you will get in return meaningless jabs.
          After all, what have you provided of substance to your readers?
          What post has made people take Christianity, or you, seriously?
          Are you content living on the fringe, being a clown for Christianity?


          1. Brent,

            You are guilty of the very things you accuse me of.

            Atheists habitually, set standards for others that they can’t meet themselves.

            And here is an example of one of your questions that is pure nonsense:

            “After all, if atheists couldn’t understand the Bible, why do some atheists become Christian?”

            That question is absurd for two reasons.

            1. The Bible is not necessary for anyone to become Christian.
            2. Human beings possess the ability to change their minds about things.

            Getting sucked into the stupid questions atheists ask is an unwanted trip down the Rabbit Hole.


            1. The point of your post was that atheists didn’t understand the subtleties of the message in the Bible; that they couldn’t understand parables and metaphor. If that were true, then I’d agree, but they can and do – and what you don’t understand is they still reject the message. The message of Chrisitanity, while it’s the bees knees for you, is not for everyone – nor should it be. Not everyone wants to think of themselves as a miserable wretch or slave to some perfect overlord, no matter how wonderful the stories are.
              More important, most atheists are able to see the Bible for what it is – yet another Holy Book. It has some good ideas and some bad ones. You seem to be trying to convince everyone that it has nothing but good ideas, and when there appears to be a bad idea, it’s because we don’t understand.
              Perhaps you don’t understand? Or, perhaps you do and like the implications of Christianity? I don’t know, but I don’t care which.
              The point you tried to make was silly. Atheists can and do understand the Bible. Just because they aren’t fans of it, like you, doesn’t make them wrong or flawed.
              I wish we were on an hour long radio show, where I could press you on these matters, and you’d be forced to respond, but instead we exchange quips.
              Let me leave you with something. I think you rail against atheists because of fear they are right.
              In fact, I suspect you are an atheist at heart – hoping and wishing to find an argument against atheism that convinces yourself. I don’t know, but I suspect it.
              I don’t think someone can spout the rhetoric you have without hearing what you are saying and wondering why it doesn’t convince anyone except your fellow Christians.
              Let me repeat a point: Atheists who have read the Bible probably understand the Bible… it’s (one reason) why they are atheists. The bigger question is why do you think understanding the Bible would make someone a theist?
              ^^^^That is a question I’d like you to answer. If it’s a rabbit hole you find yourself in while answering, maybe it’s because Christianity is the rabbit hole. We are just revealing that fact.


            2. Brent,

              This post is about using science to disprove atheism.

              This post has nothing to do with the Bible.

              Additionally, most of the arguments I make are classical arguments that have been passed down through the centuries.

              With regard to the issue of evolution and atheism, I am using arguments based on the discoveries of modern science.


            3. (I was addressing the larger point). Fine, how do you use science to disprove the lack of a God? Are you claiming you can test for God? That’s spectacular! Can I see the data? Science is about testing – what are you testing? Let’s see it!


            4. Brent,

              You can answer your own question by actually reading this post.


            5. There is no data in your post, it’s only opinion. It certainly wasn’t using science to disprove atheism. Care to try again?


            6. Brent,

              Data isn’t the only prerequisite for scientific understanding.

              In this post I used simple facts to reason out my conclusion.

              Such thinking is the bedrock of modern science.


            7. Data is the ONLY thing for scientific exploration. Otherwise, you are simply being poetic.
              See? you don’t even understand science, but you are trying to tell us about truths? Seriously, you don’t see the problem here?
              What is your training? What are you an expert in?


            8. Brent,

              What data did Einstein have when he developed his Relativity.


            9. SOM, you may actually be insane if you don’t think Einstein used data to to develop his theories, and that data wasn’t used to prove them. I am simply reeling at how a person can know so little as you, yet let the words “truth” and “know” and “facts” roll off your tongue with such ease.


            10. Brent,

              You have become horribly abusive.

              Goodbye. Farewell.


            11. BTW, here is the wiki page for Relativity. Maybe you should actually know something about the things you talk about.

              I have to ask: You claim to be a Christian. Have you actually read the Bible? Have you heard of Jesus?

              From your posts, it seems you are reveling in your ignorance!


            12. Brent,

              I didn’t study physics from Wiki.

              I actually took calculus at the university which enabled me to study and understand physics.

              Einstein explained his Relativity using thought experiments.

              It took science decades to finally gather the data that proved all of his theory.

              Additionally, math is not data.

              Data is information gathered from an experiment or other systematic observation.

              The data is then interpreted using mathematical models.


            13. Wait, I thought data wasn’t important? Why did science have to gather data and test the models? I don’t understand! you said data wasn’t the only way to do science…. (And, forgive me if I don’t trust a word you are saying about Einstein. You only took a few classes in school… suddenly you are going to tell us how Einstein, apparently devoid of any data, was able to work on high-level Physics problems…)
              Come on! AS I said, be more humble, you are making yourself look like a jackass.


            14. I gave you the wiki page so you could study ANYTHING on Relativity, not read a few passages about Einstein from your favorite sermon.


            15. I suppose these inconvenient facts are what you describe as a “rabbit hole”… yes, science, facts, mathematics… all a rabbit hole to an ignoramus.


            16. I have to say, I think this “Data isn’t the only prerequisite for scientific understanding.” sums it up. You don’t care if anything you say is right or wrong, as long as you keep typing for Jesus…
              You are a monkey at a typewriter… maybe in a billion years you’ll say something that is accurate.


            17. Brent,

              What good is data if you are not capable of reasoning out what it means?


            18. How does this further this topic? Do you agree, now, that data is important – and in fact, critical to science, but you don’t want to say as much?

              And let me guess, you are just the guy to tell us what everything means… and you don’t even know one jot or tittle about science or the Bible… Come on… show some damn humility, man.


  5. I for one long to meet an apologist who will address my points, and answer my questions. I know I am right, so I have no problem answering ANY question honestly.I don’t think any Christian, or supernaturalist, can say the same thing.
    The last apologist I had an honest exchange with became an atheist…


  6. You said, “does eating, drinking and having sex make a human being happy?” Yes. The ability to have the option to do any and all of those things are, in fact, what make us happy, as well as friendship, music, and other things evolution has allowed us to do.
    Does God make people happy? William Lane Craig says a big, fat “Nozilla”. William Lane Craig (the greatest living Christian, as I call him) says that belief in God isn’t about fulfilling your purpose, or making you happy, but about repentance.
    I’d like you to argue against William Lane Craig, and then, show us how either of you know one thing about what you are talking about.


    1. Brent,

      Satisfying our personal and human natures is how we attain happiness.

      The orderly satisfaction of our appetites is what keeps us alive.


      1. Is that so? I haven’t seen anywhere where you have proved that we have some “larger” purpose. “You guys” (supernaturalists) keep appealing to things “larger” or “outside” ourselves as the true goal, but I’d argue that chasing that dream is what makes people miserable.
        Try not eating for a few days, see how much your dream of writing a blog, or preaching the Bible seems to make you happy. Can God make you happy then?


        1. Brent,

          Showing that man has a larger purpose is not the subject of this post.

          You seem to have a programmed set of arguments that you use regardless of the real topic at hand.


  7. William Lane Craig: “Christian doctrines from 2.:

    The purpose of life is not happiness, and it is not God’s job to make us happy – we are here to know God. Many evils are gratuitous if we are concerned about being happy, but they are not gratuitous for producing the knowledge of God.”

    So, what was your point?


    1. Brent,

      If you had actually read the title of my post, you would understand that the theme of my post is why atheists cannot be happy.

      I know next to nothing about William Lane Craig, but I do know that whatever he thinks about happiness has absolutely nothing to do with anything in this post.

      What you have done is attempt to change the subject because what I have stated in this post is irrefutable.


      1. I think you are simply wrong to place happiness as an “atheism vs. theism” issue. People are happy when they have the proper amount mixture of chemicals in their body. What that exact chemical make-up is differs from person to person. You are trying to make some grand point about Life, the Universe and Everything, but you don’t have any understanding of science (the universe, the body, life or anything) and you are not a guru or prophet. You are a typical regurgitater of Christian clap trap. How can you talk about happiness when you don’t understand the brain? Evolution? the actual physical world you live in? How are we to take you seriously when you have no training other than reading Christian pamphlets on how to attack other views? What are the mechanisms in the brain that make people happy? Why do they differ from person to person? Why are some things that make us happy also bad for us? Why does helping others make some people happy? There are serious questions that people are trying to answer with actual science and data. Not winging it on a blog.


        1. Brent,

          I did not present happiness as an “atheism-theism” issue.

          That’s just you trying to change the subject again according to your preprogrammed set of automatic responses.


          1. You said, “Using Evolution to Prove Why the Atheist Can Never Be Happy”
            The atheist… as opposed to whom?
            I am beginning to think you are insane.


            1. Brent,

              There is no “atheism as opposed to what.”

              I simply used science to disprove atheism.


          2. BTW, I’ll also point out since atheism has no doctrines, it doesn’t have a doctrine that says “if you become an atheist, you will be happy”. And. if you have proven evolution can’t make people in a godless world happy, that includes YOU.


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